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" I guess attacking my wife and her sisters yesterday wasn't enough that you had to barge into my office?"

All I wanted was to have lunch with my wife but I could not do that because when things are going good between us somebody just has to come and ruin it for me.

" I did not attack your wife, I merely told her the truth. She's not fit to be your wife or lead this country. "

" Who gave you the authority to decide that?"

" Mikey nobody knows you better than me, we were together for the longest and I know that she is not what you need."

" Poppy get over yourself, yes we uses to say but that was them and the guy you knew ten plus years ago is not the guy I am today."

" Mikhail you cannot say that you no longer feel anything for me. At some point we were head over heels inlove-"

" Stop! That's all in the past and like I have said a hundred times, I lov-"

She said all this while walking to where I was seated and put her hands on my face, caressing me. I removed them but not before my wife walked in to find us in this compromising position.

" What is going on in here?"

The temperature in the room suddenly increased and I found myself unable to think or breathe.

" It's not what you think babe, she-"

" I just came to check on Mikey, you know how He has been  seeing that a lot has happened since I last saw him in his hotel room in Cleisia."

Baina raised her eyebrows at me before quickly turning to our uninvited guest who was smirking.

" You have no shame chasing after a man who clearly wants nothing to do with you. Are you that incapable of finding yourself a man that you have to chase after my husband?"

" He was mine first!"

" Yeah your boyfriend first, he is my husband now."

" I wouldn't be so proud of a man who seems to have a fetish for young girls. Anyway I have places to be, Mikey I'll see you around."

As soon as she walked out of my office door I called my security and informed them that she was never again allowed to enter the building. It sucked that I had to use my power to this extent but I would do anything to keep my family safe.

" You know this was not how I expected my happily ever to be. Being snubbed on and disrespected by your exes and side pieces. I knew it wouldn't be easy being the king's wife but because of your work, my work and being supportive of every decision that needed to be taken,making appearances but not because of other women."

" I promise that this won't happen again."

" It shouldn't have happened in the first place. We should be having a couples lunch right now but_ you know what I have lost my appetite."

I wanted to stop her but what could I say when once again I managed to dissapoint her. Your woman hurting because of you was one of the hardest thing to handle as a husband. Instead I called her favourite restaurant and had them deliver her favourite meal for when she was hungry again.

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