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Seeing Mikhail in nothing but a vest and sweatpants had me all kind of bothered which immediately turned into irritation when he started accusing me. Sure I had ulterior motives for posing as a planner but him acting like we didn't have history and him abandoning me, set me off. I wanted him to feel as I felt when he told me he was married to the love his life and had kids by her. Hence I could not let him ruin my plans for me or think that I had something sinister planned.

' Bai where did you keep the other table and balloons?'

I asked her highness who was perched up on those small step ladders. Even though my hands itched to push her off, I admired her work ethic. She was not at all lazy or entitled like the tabloids said. I know if this was my party I'd be somewhere getting pampered before the event. I've never seen a queen work that hard and if she hadn't taken my man, I'd praise her publicly. I hated her and working for her these past four days had been hell. Seeing I had to be polite and have self control. I literally had to remind myself to not bash her head in.

' In the garage. Don't you think we have enough balloons though?'

' You said she loves balloons as much as she loved Disney, I'm sure a few more would not hurt.'

I lied. I did not care for her brat and just wanted to go inside and find Mike without her wondering where I was because for some reason she felt to keep tabs on me and need me to supervise everything. Party planning was a really exhausting job. I should have just let my friend Gabby handle everything. She's the real planner who helped me with the profile, contacts and planning. I was going to give her the money they paid because it wasn't like I needed it.

' Finally I get a chance to be with you alone.'

When God comes through he really does come through, I thought as I locked the garage door behind me after walking in to find Mikhail looking for something in there. Sweaty as hell, he too had been working by her side. Making me want to puke everytime they were all over each other, which was all the time.

' Poppy don't you go startin something. My wife is on-'

' I don't care about her. I have the stuff that you want.'

' You have nothing I want Poppy. I'm sorry but Baina is probably worried abou-'

' Oh my gosh! What is it with that child. I swear she's all you talk about everytime I'm around you and I'm sick of it.'

I did not mean to raise me voice as I slowly stalked towards him and he moved backwards before being blocked by the table I was looking for.  I took this opportunity to kiss him but unlike the lasts time as soon as my lips touched his, he pushed me off of him and ran out. This was going to be harder than I imagined.

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