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It was the second day of the ceremony and we were introducing the queen to the rest of the community. The day before was just a family and close relatives having lunch. Some dignitaries from neighbouring countries were also there but most will be present today. It was a family lunch to introduce her as queen and for the other queens to inform her of her queen duties. On our wedding week she was only informed of her wife duties which have nothing to do with her duties on the throne.

'' You're one lucky bastard. She is one sexy queen-''

'' Mekhi!''

'' What? I'm just stating facts and you know I'm your brother, I mean no disrespect by it.''

'' Brother or not watch what you say about my wife.''

He held his hands up in surrender just as the trumpets sounded and I took my position infront of the castle's entrance. An all matte black Rolls Royce rolled up to the front entrance and at the end of the royal red carpet. Traditionally her guard is to help her out of her car but I felt like changing that. As her husband it is I who should be doing all that for her and the elders had no say in that. So as soon as he opened the door I walked over and held out my hand.

'' Mikhail_ your majesty?, I thought the guard was to help me out.''

'' First I'm your husband and you will address me as you do around the house, not as king Mikhail or your majesty. Second no man is allowed to do stuff like holding your hand or help you out of cars except for me and before you think I'm being controlling, I'm not. I've seen a lot of relationships in the royal family be torn apart by cheating just because we royals feel we are above showing our partners chivalry and romance or kisses in public. That won't be us babe.''

'' Am I allowed to kiss my husband when I want to?''

It was considered trashy to show public affection but I was not going to tell her that. Instead I turned her towards me when we reached the castle entrance and placed my index under her chin, tilting it up.

'' Not before but time to change the rules.''

I said crashing my lips onto hers while the crowd cheered. My father would definitely be mad but he will get over it. After we pulled apart she wiped her red lipstick off my top lip before adding a little to hers. It took everything in me not to call back her driver and head home but we had people waiting on us.

'' You look amazing by the way.''

'' You don't look too bad yourself.''

'' I love you.''

'' I love you more.''

'' Impossible! Now shall we?''

I held out my elbow and she grabbed into it as we headed upstairs to the front balcony where the inauguration would take place and we would spend the rest of the day. Here everyone could hear and see us and there was bulletproof glass to shield the family and guests from harm.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz