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" You're awfully quiet, are you okay?"

My mother-in-law came up to me as I sat watching my children run around with other children at the annual royal family get together. Everyone who was a Mansa or related to the Mansa's was present with my husband being the exception. This was held every four years so that the family can get to know each other.

" No. Being around all these people just makes me miss Mikhail more."

" It's the first time he has gone on a trip this long hey?"

" Yeah, I don't know how the elders did it then when technology wasn't so advanced. I mean they used to go away for months on end because transport was just not so advanced and did not know if they were even alive but I am sulking while we facetime almost every night."

" Well they had their own way of coping. I hated when my husband left for a long trip too and it was hard but it's harder on you because unlike his father and the kings before him, he's made you a priority in his life. So it's understandable that you would miss him this much."

" You should have warned me about this before I said I do."

" Like you would have said no, you were so head over heels you wouldn't have taken anything we said."

" It's been a hard three weeks. The kids are also acting up a lot this week. If he doesn't return soon, I'm going to go crazy."

" Oh you'll be fine, just like you were before you met him."

She said hugging me before walking back to her husband just as another couple walked past me hand in hand. It seemed like everyone at this event was coupled up except me. My side of the family was present too and both my sister's were with their partners.

" Mommy can we have juice?"

" Sure honey."

Without hesitation I stood up and headed to the food table only to find that their favourite juice was finished. My daughter's refused to have any other juice so I had to go into the castle. We were on the castle grounds but behind the castle and as soon as I turned the corner I saw Mikhail standing by the entrance with his hands in his pockets smiling at me, I paused before sprinting towards him.

" Oh how I've missed you. "

He whispered into my ear as I held him tight in my arms just to make sure he was no illusion. A lot of people would accuse me of being dramatic but ever since his attack, I feel safer with him by my side. When he's not by my side I worry a lot and over think expecting the worst.

" I've missed you too much."

My cheeks suddenly became wet and he must have sensed it as he removed me from his chest.

" Babe, I'm home. Why are you crying?"

" I am just so happy and relieved to see you."

He kissed my lips before my salty tears then back to my lips, forgetting that we were outside. He nibbled on my lower lip before carrying me into the house where we made love for all the times we were apart. As much as we had been through, I would still choose him in the next lifetime.

 As much as we had been through, I would still choose him in the next lifetime

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