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I was really tired of arguing with Mikhail about these women and what made is worse was that we were arguing over people of no significance. When I got home a food delivery truck on my front gate and I instantly knew that Mikhail had sent them. This brought a smile to my face, even after our argument he still thought of me. This was why I loved this man and believed in his love for me even when he did stupid mistakes. I went to bed only to wake up five hours later with no sign of  Mikhail.

" He didn't even think to inform me he would be home late."

I sighed going through my phone for any messages or calls I might have missed from him. Just as I was about to call him and thank him for the food, he walked through the front door looking haggard with his tie hanging around her neck.

" Hey I was just about to call you-"

" I'm sorry babe but I had to rush over to the main castle just to be scolded at by the elders."

" Was it about the recent news?"

I asked helping him out of his royal attire which he kept in his office for days like this.

" Yes. They complained that I am making a mockery out of the Mansa surname and as a king such trivial matters should not be broadcasted for the world to see. "

" Well the Mansa surname is respected in every corner of the earth. I understand why they would be worried about your extra marital activities."

" Stop saying that please, you know what happened between me and that girl was a mistake I never want to repeat."

" Anyway then you have to protect the Mansa surname and scandals like these could really ruin you."

" Would you be so quick to agree with them if I told you that they even tried to give me tips on how to handle my girlfriends because it's normal for a man to seek pleasure outside of his home but he should avoid scandals?"

I was stunned. Sometimes I wished we women had the kind of unity men had with each other but not in such cases.

" Yes so they were more angry that I've been neglecting my royal duties not that I apparently had an affair."

" I am guessing you have to resume to your royal duties at the main palace?"

" Yes tomorrow I have to attend to every issue that has been neglected which means I might be home very late."

It sucked but this is the life I kinda chose and he assured me that it will not be a constant thing and that we would take a vacation as soon as everything he needed to do was done. Which meant that it could be five months or a year from now but I stood on his promise.

" Now join me in the shower."

" Mike!"

I hollered when he hoisted me on his shoulder before I even agreed to shower with him and walked with me into the bathroom like a cave man.

" I am sorry about earlier."

He said kissing my wet shoulder as we stood together under the shower and he scrubbed my body.

" apology accepted."

I turned around stood on my toes to kissed him.

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