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'' No you hold the sticks like this in-between your _ babe just relax your fingers..."

She secured them with her other hand.

" Good now hold the upper chopstick like a pencil. Now place the second chopstick against your ring finger, hold it with the base of the thumb. Yes like that. When you eat move the upper chopstick with your thumb, index, and middle fingers.''

I did not mean to laugh that hard when all her food fell back onto the bowl as she tried to take her food into her mouth. She threw them at me and went into the kitchen to get herself a fork.

'' Trust you to find everything funny. I don't know why I even listened to you about chopsticks being the best way to eat this food.''

'' It is though babe. You just bad at it but stick with me and you'll never go hungry again!''

She mushed my head before continuing to eat her food. This was our fifth date and we had planned to go out but I got sick and instead she came over to my parents home to spend the day with me. Everybody was out and we were left all alone with the exception of the castle workers but they minded their own business.

'' What are you looking at?''

She spoke with a mouthful of noodles, even then she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her golden brown eyes were waiting on me to answer her question but I bit my lip and shyly looked away. Her eyes have always been my favourite part of her body before everything else and I promised myself that I don't ever want to cause tears to fall out of those eyes.

'' I love your eyes.''

'' Yeah? and what else?''

She scooted over to me on the sofa after placing her half eaten food on my mother's coffee table and began playing with my hair. Something I was not comfortable with since my accident but I found myself letting her do it. I never let other girls touch my head but with her, there was this need to tell her everything about me, good, bad and embarrassing. She made me feel safe, loved, at home and mostly at peace.

'' Your smile and kisses.''

'' I think you've got the best smile and are a great kisser.''

'' How would you know, I'm your first boyfriend?''

'' Well, I know I don't want to kiss anyone but you.''

'' Same goes for me.''

It has only been a few weeks but I know that I wanted to marry her. I just need her father to agree to our relationship. My parents were not happy about our union too but they never liked to interfere in their kids relationships. They just figured it was a phase that would blow over soon.

'' How many girls have you dated?''

'' What? Do you really want to know that?''

'' Yes, you know about me.''

''Well _five.''

'' I thought you'd have more than that.''

I was slightly offended.

'' Why because I'm older?''

'' No because you're so damn good looking.''

She knows how to make me feel good.

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