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" We have found him."

I swear when Brian said that my leg ached. After months of looking for him we had finally found the men who half crippled me but I could not celebrate because my wife was still mad at me and my parents were giving me he'll about this. What made it worse was waking up to the media saying I was having an affair. Someone was out to ruin me and my marriage but I had no idea who. The fact that we had not been seem at events together for quite sometime now made this worse as people believed it was true.

" Can we talk?"

" Well you're the one who has been talking to me much?."

" Don't try to be smart with me when you are the one in the wrong!"

" I know and I am really sorry babe. It was a mistake that meant nothing to me."

" You still shared something that's intimate to me with somebody who was not your wife. You're supposed to share such a kiss with me, not some random girl. How would you feel if I let some other guy kiss me? Just a peck on the lip_ hell you even get mad when your male relatives hug me for a bit too long and you expect me to say it is fine it was just a kiss."

" I know-"

" Please stop saying you know, first it was that party planner now it's this girl. How am I supposed to trust you when you keep kissing random women?"

" With Poppy I never kissed her back and she caught me by surprise-"

" The point is that you've done this before and I let it slide, now you do it again and I am sorry but I cannot just shake it off this time."

" Babe this was a mistake that will never ever happen again, I assure you."

" It shouldn't have happened in the first place. You're a married man who made vows that included being faithful and you haven't kept that promise. I have no assurance that you won't go kissing another woman."

It was time to forget my status and get down on my knees to her this woman because I loved her and I was not about to let something so trivial be the straw that broke the camel's back. I was no cheater and I would never cheat on her, hence I never let both kisses go to far.

" Baby I'll do anything you want me to do but I'm begging you for your forgiveness. I was wrong both times and I am sorry not because you found out but because I was wrong and I would not be so understanding if the shoe was on the other foot. Please do not leave me."

" I am not leaving_ yet. I just wanted to let you know how I felt and I waited till I was calmer so I don't cuss at you. I love you and because of that I am willing to put this behind us and move on with our lives but do not think that this gives you a free pass."

" Yes I know and I promise you this will never ever happen again."

" If it does just know that I will leave without with my kids and divorce you."

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