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I pushed my books off my lap and put my study guide away. Since I got out of class my nose has been stuck in these books because I would be starting my exams in four days. To relax I decided to watch a movie and headed to into Keija's room to invite her first.

'' I'm taking a break. Do you want to watch a movie?''

'' Yeah sure. I think my brain has clocked out, she refuses to retain anymore information.''

'' My brain feels the same way too. Horror or romantic comedy?''

'' Horror, maybe a little adrenaline rush will relax my brain. Let me make some popcorn.''

Mikhail loves popcorn, I thought as I walked back into my bedroom. I noticed that it was twelve thirty and he had yet to call. Since the night he flew over he began calling daily and usually by eleven, eleven thirty the latest. It is funny how before he came into my life I was completely fine with my life and now him not calling me puts me in a foul mood.

''You know you're supposed to press play then watch the tv. Not just sit in front of a black screen and hope for the movie to magically play itself.''

'' Sorry Kiks (kicks), my mind was somewhere else.''

'' I'm guessing Mike hasn't called?''

'' Yeah and I'm all in my feelings about it. You know my life was great before he decided to add himself into it and make me feel alien things. Now he's got me missing him like his an amputated limb.''

'' What a comparison but babe this things happen and you cannot be mad at him for missing a day. You know he's a busy man and when he can he does call you. He wouldn't deliberately not call you.''

'' I guess you're right. Okay let's just watch this movie and forget about men for a second.''

Keija stood up to go attend to a knock on the door just as I pressed play. She returned with a bored expression on her face and Beth trailing behind her. I notice her scrunch up her nose at a bouquet of roses I had on my side table. One thing Mikhail did without fail is have roses delivered weekly. Guess she is not a fan of roses.

'' Popcorn!''

She exclaimed before plopping herself down on one of two of the bean bags we had sat on the floor and Keija rolled her eyes. The only place for me to sit was on the bed. A few minutes into the movie my phone rang and I quickly answered it trying to hide my excitement.

'' Sorry for calling this late but I had a horrible day, just got to my place and could not sleep without hearing your voice.''

'' Why what happened?''

'' Nothing to worry your pretty little head about. How is the studying going? Do you think you're ready for Monday?''

I stayed on the phone with him till the movie ended and throughout us talking and me giggling like a love struck teenager. Beth kept rolling her eyes, not sure why since no one invited her here.

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