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'' They know I don't want to get married just yet and especially to someone they chose. We agreed they wouldn't pressure me when my father decided to resign but they've done a complete three-sixty. What I don't understand is how me not having a wife affects my capability to run the country. Old people and their beliefs.''

He was visibly agitated as he lay on my thighs. He had driven over on his motorcycle to vent about his families ambush earlier that day and he had been here for three hours now. They had made an announcement the evening before about the royal princess ball. Where he was expected to meet his suitors and find himself a wife. I removed a strand of curly-hair that kept falling on his forehead every time he moved his head and tucked it around his ear. For a black man he really had long hair.

'' You knew that this time would come eventually though baby. I mean you have been king for a year.''

'' It feels like it's been longer than that. Like I've been doing this for a long time and it's not even being king that drives me crazy but my father. He is letting traditionalist control us. I know they are the guides and law makers but they are so out dated with their primitive ideas of how a king should behave and what duties a queen can or cannot perform. A lot of people think we run the country but the truth is we have old grey haired men to answer to.''

'' I guess everybody has a boss but you need to calm down and maybe ask your father to talk to them, try to convince them otherwise.''

He let out a deep breath as a continued to lightly massage his scalp and soon I heard him lightly snoring. Though I was stressed about all this, I knew how hard this was for him. There was a light knock on my door and Keija peeked through it with a stressed look on her face.

'' Sorry to disturb but turn on the news.''

Since he took the crown I was used to Mikhail being on the news but he always managed to escape the gossip hungry hounds when he came to see me as he would disguise himself and came over at weird hours of the night. I did not mind because it was necessary for us to keep it in the closet. So I turned on the television not expecting to see pictures of us plastered all over it.

'' After the announcement of the new king's desire to find a wife, statutory rape allegations have surfaced. For two years now our king has been dating an underage girl. Even though her parents were against this relationship, he coerced her into it, our source revealed. Though she may seem happy in these pictures, sources close to her say she's miserable and there are also allegations of abuse-''

He stirred and I quickly shut it off. How could they say that and who are these sources close to me. Was my family involved in this?

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