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At times the life of being a royal wife was a burden. Especially when the world, not just your country, scrutinized every little thing you did. This morning I woke up to my name or media given name King Mikhail's wife , trending on social media. They were once again questioning my commitment to the country because I was spotted two days before having lunch with my mom and the previous evening I was at another prominent woman's house having dinner. The made it sound like I only cared for the glamorous part of being queen. They forgot about everything else I've been doing since we got back from the honeymoon.

' Why are you reading that?'

I was so into the article I did not hear him come behind and I almost dropped my phone due to him startling me. He kissed my cheek before sitting down next to me.

' Just wanted to read what was being said about me. Do you think they are right?'

' Baina you're the most carrying woman I've ever met. You're out here trying to make the world a better place from climate change to gender based violence. You're in the streets working hard to eradicate poverty and in boardrooms helping to create more jobs. The media is doing what it does best, finding fault with you because they feel that I've should have married somebody older than you and from the somewhat the same background as mine. That's why they are saying all those things about you. They feel because you did not come from money, you're not equipped to deal with such responsibility. So no they're wrong.'

' You're saying that but you asked me to stop going out and doing my own shopping.'

I never understood why famous people get affected by the things written about them especially if they weren't true but now that I was in the media, I understood. The media brings out insecurities in you you never thought you had and you begin doubting yourself.

' This is why I asked you to limit, not stop. Baby I know you're independent and love to do things for yourself but the media, as you can see, will use that to their advantage and at the same time if you had people doing all these things for you, they still have a problem. I've grown up around all of this and it still gets to me, that's why I don't bother with every kind of media unless the publicist and media people show me something I need to be concerned about.'

He looked at me with concern as he spoke. I didn't want to worry him with everything he was dealing with but this was truly getting to me. Don't they know that we see the things they write about us or that this shit affects not just the person they falsely wrote about.

' Hey put that phone away and go get dressed. We have an hour to get to your appointment.'

' Unfortunately I'll have to go alone. The elders called, you're needed at the main castle.'

Another disadvantage of being married to a leader.

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