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'' Now that was fun.''

He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead after we got off the rollercoaster ride. Once again I had managed to sneak out with Beca under the pretence of two sister's spending the day with each other.

''I really did not think you would enjoy such a ride. Most girls want to stay on the ground.''

'' Well incase you haven't noticed. I'm not most girls and I'm an adventure seeker. I laugh in the face of danger.''

He tried to do the lion king laugh, to finish the dialogue,but his soft voice turned it into a giggle. I swear his voice was what I looked forward to hearing over the phone at the end of each day when he is away or when we have a secret date scheduled. I tried to put the thought of me leaving in two days out of my mind. Becca and his younger sister were the one's who made phone calls between us possible and days like this possible. Too bad everything comes to an end soon.

''We're about to grab something filling to eat, are you coming with us?''

He looked at me for my consent and then gave his brother the thumbs after I agreed. It reminded me of my parents, my dad never did anything that involved both of them without talking to my mom first and vice versa. Not that they were forced to do so but it was because though they were married they were still two different individuals. My dad told me that if a guy cares about you he will care to know how you feel and what you think especially about things that affect you directly.

''Do you mind if we take my bike?''

'' Bike?''

'' Motorbike or motorcycle. Potayto potahto.''

He even did that with a smirk and an accent. I just giggled. He is really funny or am I just infatuated with him.

'' As long as you have helmets for both of us and safety tips because I've never been on one before.''

'' Well _ wrap your arms around me. Don't wiggle and where I go you go. If I lean to the left, you do the same. I've never had any accidents, you're definitely safe with me.''

We failed to ride on it on our first date, so I was nervous.

'' I'm sure.'

He made sure I was comfortable before driving off. There was something comforting as the wind blew in my face with my head on his back. It had me wishing the ride was longer but in fifteen minutes we arrived at our destination. We all squeezed into a booth and I found myself squeezed under his armpit. Not that I was complaining, I loved it.

''Are you comfortable?''

'' I've been afraid to say anything but bro!''

His smile turned into shock before he removed his arm from around me and sniffed his armpit. While I snickered trying to hide my laugh. When he realised I was teasing, he wrapped his arm around me but pushed my harder further under his armpit as I laughed. I cherish such intimate moments together.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن