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" What do you think of this dress?"

Bia asked us as she stood twirling infront of the huge mirror. Her graduation was coming up soon and the two of us were tasked to accompany her dress shopping by Bia herself. She had on a sexy  knee length pink wine sleeveless backless halter neck dress that accentuated everyone of her curves. It looked like if the wind blew it would fall of but looked good nonetheless.

" It's too sexy for graduation, even a college graduation."

" Are you serious Beca?! You know that's the reason I did not ask mom to this. You're supposed to be more understanding."

" Well I am and I understand that that dress is more appropriate for the graduation after party than the ceremony."

" Argh! Bai what do you think?"

When these two were like this I never wanted to get involved but somehow they had to get me involved.

" Beca she'll have her graduation gown over it though?"

" Did you read what the college dress code said on the invitation? That dress is exactly what they said not to wear, find something else. I don't want our parents finding something else to be mad at me for."

" I should have never asked you to come!"

Bia growled as she walked back into the fitting room.

" What are mom and dad mad at you for now?"

" Just mommy and older daughter stuff, nothing to worry about or ruin today over. Let's just focus on Bia."

" If you say so but just know I am here for you and whatever you need don't hesitate to ask."

" Mmmm... maybe if you would have done the same for Mikhail he wouldn't be out here kissing random young women. I just knew marrying a little girl would lead to his ruin."

Without turning I could sense the smirk on Poppy's face and I also did not need to turn to see it was her.

" My age really bothers you that much hey?"

" No she's bothered by the fact that my dear brother-in-law found himself a younger and better wife. She's just mad that she was never worthy enough to be the reigning queen."

" I'd rather be single than suffer the humiliation of my husband's affairs making headlines."

"Bitch you wish you had a husband that made headlines you old hag.'

Beca knew about Poppy but I had never mentioned that she was older than me to them, she was just being protective big sister and Poppy did not seem to like it. The guards came closer to me and blocked her way when she took a step towards me.

" How dare you call me old?!-"

" If you come for her marriage you will have me to answer to. I have no image to maintain so I don't mind smacking a bitch!"

" The little queen is incapable of fighting her own battles she'd rather get her sister to fight for her, how sweet. Baina control your hounds because if one of them lays even a fing-"

Out of nowhere Bia lunged at Poppy in the dress she was fittung but the guards quickly blocked her. She was a hot head and I was quite surprised when she retreated back in surrender but as soon as they let their guard down, she grabbed her by her hair.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora