087 ( Chapers not edited.)

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While I sat waiting for him in his company office, I noticed something shine when it reflected on the light at the upper left foot of the table. I crouched down to pick it up thinking it might be a cufflink since he came missing one a week or so ago. To my shock it was a diamond earring which took me sometime to pull out as it somehow got stuck under the desk. A lot of scenarios ran through my mind as I thought of the reason an earring would be stuck under his desk. In order not to jump into conclusions I decided to ask him when he returned. Which was not that long after I found the earring.

" Sorry for keeping you waiting, the meeting took longer than expected."

" It's okay I have only been in here for about twenty minutes."

" In that case can we head home? I need a warm shower with you."

My body tensed when he wrapped his arms around me. This was not intentional and it surprised me as much as it did him.

" Are you okay?"

" Yeah, it just felt chilly there for a second."

He threw his royal blazer over me before we walked out and headed home. Today we had the driver with us so we were seated in the backseat of the car. He began kissing my neck while I was preoccupied with the earring in my hand thinking of how to ask him.

" Are you okay?"

" Yeah why?"

" You seem out of it and not really participating in what I am trying to do here. It feels like I am forcing you."

" Sorry babe just something on my mind."

" Well then let's talk about what it is that's bothering you?"

I dangled the diamond tear drop earrings in his face but there was no reaction whatsoever. That kind of put me at ease because it showed me that he was not guilty. Here I was worried for nothing. How could I even suspect my poor husband of cheating.

" What? You lost an earring?"

" No I found this in your office. I just wanted to know who they belong to, if you know."

" How would I know when I don't even know your earrings?!"

" It's just a simple question no need to be hostile. "

" Look I am sorry let's not argue, okay. I don't know who it might belong to. As you know a lot of women enter my office daily it might have fell from one of them."

" Well it looks quite expensive, the owner must be stressed about losing it."

" Let me hold it incase someone asks about a missing earring."

Something about it made me uneasy and reluctant to hand it over by I did because there was nothing I could do about it and I definitely would not be able to find the owner. The guilt from suspecting him gave the courage to sit on his lap and finish what he started.

" Slower babe, you're too fast."

He grunted as I rode him in the backseat of the official car. I was sure we were breaking some rule even though this was not the first time we behaved like this. We loved and wanted each other too much to care about rules and etiquette.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt