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To say that him kissing another woman did not hurt or that I believed it was nothing beyond a harmless kiss would be a lie. It hurt like hell and although he did not confirm it, I knew he was somewhat attracted to her or her body or something. I can admit that she was beautiful and sexy. After four kids my body had battlefield scars that now caused me insecurities since finding out about this kiss, these feelings I conveyed to Keija.

" Oh honey I understand but you need to tell him how you feel or how all this is making you feel."

" Easier said than done I seriously just want to punch him for this and he makes it worse by checking on me every five seconds."

Keija laughed as I told her about how he has been acting. Although I had intentions of picking up my children I decided to make a detour first and talk to a friend.

" He's afraid you'll leave. "

" He should have thought of that before he decided to kiss somebody that wasn't me. You know she was proud of herself like she had accomplished something. Like he was going to leave me for her. That's what irks me the most! That she made her feel like she was something."

" Yeah no woman would feel like she has the upper hand if he did not make her feel like that."

" Here I was feeling guilty for just talking to Ephraim while he was out here making out with employees. Maybe I should just show him that two can play this game-"

" Nah uh! Bai don't you even think about it, you know if you even held hands with the guy, Mikhail would blow his top off and the media would have a field day with you."

" Don't take me serious I'm just talking.  Let me leave you and go pick my kids up. I'm already an hour late."

" Your husband is calling me."

She said showing me her phone screen.

" Since when do you have his contacts?"

" Whoa! What are you insinuating, you're my friend and I am not that type of person."

I apologized to Keija then left for the main castle only to find him there. He tried to talk to me but I ignored him and spoke to his parents. Luckily his siblings were not there or they would not let me leave.

" Mom I'm sorry I cannot stay long, I have dinner to prepare."

" You can just take food home, the chef has prepared more than enough."

" I really don't wa-"

" Sit down and tell me what my son has done, I don't think that I have ever seen you so cold towards him. Did you guys have an argument? I noticed how nervous he was when he got here and didn't find you."

" He kissed somebody else."

His mother sighed shaking her head and I held back my tears once again. I did not want to cry over this as I already felt shitty, for lack of a better word.

" How does this make you feel?"

At that moment I just burst into tears and she pulled me into a hug to soothe me. I really did not think she would be so understanding considering it was her son and just a kiss.

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