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' Babe sorry I'm late. I got caught up in the office.'

My encounter with Poppy had turned into a full blown argument and her attacking me. Calling me names and demeaning me which reminded me of why our relationship was full of turmoil before she left and why it was so easy for me to fall inlove with Baina even though I had lover for her.

' You have twenty minutes to get yourself together.'

She was understandably unhappy being that I was an hour late. I saw the flowers I had sent to her earlier today in our bedroom balcony in a vase and pulled out a rose to apologize.

' Don't make me kick you. Go!'

She smiled taking it from me. Seeing Poppy again had awakened feelings I had forgotten about. Though I had not loved her as much as I do my wife, I still cared. Maybe because I knew what she had been through and how our childhoods were almost the same but I had Baina now and she's the only woman I love.

' So what happened at the office?'

' Just had a last minute meeting, nothing major.'

' I thought Rose kept track of all your meetings?'

' Yeah this one was impromptu and I couldn't avoid it. Can we not talk about work and just enjoy tonight. Happy anniversary.'

She pecked my lips and said it back before we got out of the car and into the restaurant, where all eyes were on us as soon as we stepped in. It must have been the four guards we had with us. This is the reason we avoided going out locally a lot because we attracted attention and caused inconvenience. We could not go anywhere without roads being closed off for our entourage of usually four cars unless it was duty related then it would be twice the number.

' Oh! Your majesty, your highness. Let me get my manager.'

' No__ Bongi. '

I read her name tag.

' We just need a private table for two. My wife and I would appreciate it if we were not disturbed as we are celebrating our wedding anniversary. Also we would love it if people didn't bow or stand up when we passed by.'

' We'll let them know your majesty.'

Two guys went about informing the diners.

' Follow me.'

The hostess showed us to a table on their first floor which sat comfortably away from the view of everyone but we could see most of the restaurant. Which came with a price tag obviously. A waitress quickly rushed over to us with menus much to the hostess irritation and Baina's.

' I don't know who raised you but you do not touch like that on a married man or the king of your country and you definitely do not behave like a school girl with a crush when serving people. Now get us someone who knows to give all their customers the same amount of respect.'

I usually avoided conflict but by the look on Baina's face, I knew she was about to smack somebody and I had to put her in her place.

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