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There was an uneasy feeling as we quietly sat side by side in the suv. Something told me there was some kind of trouble but I could not get any straight answers for my brother. When I opened my front door to him, he told the guards to take my kids before instructing me to get my phone. I tried to ask him what was happening and he just said that he was sent to get me.

' Why, what happened? Is it mom, is it dad?'

I had asked while I looked for my phone charger. I never went anywhere without it. Especially when my husband was out of town.

'No Bai. Like I said I was sent to pick you up-'

' You should know something though. You just can't wake up at such ungodly hours and drive all the way from your house to my house without getting any explanation from whoever sent you.'

' When the person running this country calls, you do as told with no questions asked. Now let's go. Your kids are in the car.'

' Wait is it the queen? Is it Beca?'

' Like I said I don't know. Would you please stop.'

In no time we were in front of the main palace but there was an army of reporters flashing their cameras at us while the guards did their best to keep them away from the gate.

' Something is definitely going on, why are there so many reporters here? Bobo I swear whatever is happening I can handle, please tell me.'

I pleaded again with my brother using the nickname we affectionately called him.

' You'll get your answers soon.'

Without looking at me the royal staff greeted me and then took the sleeping children from the car. The queen came up to me in her night robe, atleast I was not the only one dressed in sleepwear but what the hell was going on.

' How are you doing honey? How is my next grandbaby?'

' She's doing fine but I-'

' Let's get you in the house and get you comfortable first and then we will discuss why you're here.'

When I walked into the living area everyone from both sides of our families was here. Even Maine, the brother I only met on special occasions. Even Keke was here, last I checked she and Malik did not work out. What the hell is going on?. Breathe B, I thought to myself as sudden wave of dizziness hit me. The queen helped me sit down on a chair before I was informed of the worst news I could ever receive.

' You guys are wrong I spoke to my husband just a few hou_.'

' Honey its true. We also just got a call from -'

' No.no.no! It can't be.'

I felt my chest and throat constrict and developed difficulty breathing. My body temperature increased as I struggled to force air out of my nose and mouth. I heard the chaos around me and both our mother's talking to me but I could not make out what anyone was saying. My eyes rolled back and the last thing I heard was screaming from someone.

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