The Way You Make Me Feel Less Lonely🇻🇪

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Hi! I'm Rossie and I am from Venezuela 🇻🇪 and THIS IS MY STORY.

The way you make me feel less lonely :)
I'm 18 years old and you are one of the reasons I'm still alive. For 3 years my mental health has gone from worse to worse and I am currently not feeling well.

I don't have the resources to pay for therapy and every single day I'm afraid of not being able to make it to the next one... but you give me a safe place where I can feel less scared and a little bit more love, where I can cry and laugh without feeling judged.

You make me smile when I'm sad and that if something that I never will be able to thank you enough. You have a little person in Venezuela who love you and cares about you.

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