At Last I Felt Safe 🇮🇹

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Hi! I'm Marta and I am from Italy 🇮🇹 and THIS IS MY STORY.

My story is not so happy, I have to say that.
since I was in elementary school, I had physical health problems but with the time my mental health was also more better. I was not sleeping at night and I was not happy with my family. I was only about 8 or 10 years old but I already just wanted to die and disappear.

With those years I started to hurt myself and not talking to anyone and just acting that my life was beautiful, but it wasn't beautiful at all.
One day (at that time I wasn't hurting myself) I met my cousins, that live in a place different than mine and I was so happy, I considered that moment the best day of my life, and today I see that day like the day when I opened my eyes. My cousins were so excited to show me what Kpop is, and when they took their phone and put "not today", they were so happy and like every second they were trying to watch my reaction.

I was really surprised, but I didn't have the same reaction like some other girls. then, one of my cousin said to me "you'll see one day".

After some time, like some days or months, I was really curious about the meaning of the song that I listened that day, so I was just checking on the internet.

"We won't ever die today
Light shines through the darkness"
"Don't die, don't ask, scream"

I know that the rhythm of the song is really strong and has a lot of vibes, but when I read those words, I was crying. My anxiety, my mental health, all these things were killing me and today too, today that I am 15 years old.

But today is different.

From that day, I started to follow their music and this is the best decision that I ever had in my life.
I found the reason to live, the reason to be happy, the reason to shine and to stay strong.

I hope to see them someday, maybe to hug them, to look at their faces and say "thank you for saving my life".

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