The Way I Woke Up From Mental Problems🇲🇾

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Hi! I'm Lysaa and I am from Malaysia 🇲🇾 and THIS IS MY STORY

I'm only 16 but the stress of life I have is like an adult . In my life now, I used to experience stress very quickly. Sometimes I get panic attack quickly and people don't like me sometimes. I don't understand what's wrong with me. They really hate me that much but at the same time they still want to be friends with me because they also want to know what stressing me out, in short they hate me for having this anxieties but they also wanted to help me.

My parents are very toxic to me, they don't support my dreams and everything that I wanted to do. Everyday they will always see the bad in me. They will always put me down and scold at me for doing the things that I love.

But one day I saw a video in youtube and the video made me smile for the first time after a few years. I know I smile everyday but this smile is sincerely from my heart, and the song is still my favorite song until now which is fire and since that day BTS has taught me the meaning of happiness, until now. I only smile when I see them and it feels so good to me because I felt happiness.

I will never forget BTS never in my entire life...


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