A Rainbow After The Rain 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Jera and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

We are always been hateful to the world. And it's really sad how we treat each other as someone who will always not be worth it. We treat each other without love and respect. And then BTS came that turn hateful words and toxic world into a better world.

What is love? Well, if you ask me.

My love goes to those 7 boys who took me in their shop. At my worst they took me in. They made me feel loved and home. Being an Army shows just how much we all love those 7 boys from Korea. But goes out for them, they took in millions of ARMY's into there arms. They helped millions of people around the world. They took all the hate and made it into love.

So if you ask me what love is. I think of those seven boys now I call my home.

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