Safe At Last 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Alexia and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

I first came across BTS on January of the year 2018, listening to their music was every thing to me. It is what relaxes me, comforts me and most importantly what helps me to keep going. I am now currently going to be a Junior in high school but during sophomore year I was going through a really tough time since I hadn't seen my brother in nearly three years and my older sister moved out of the house so basically I was alone and had no one to talk to.

I also don't have many friends because I have social anxiety so making friends isn't really my specialty, so it's not like I had many friends to talk to about how I felt. At a point I felt that I had completely hit rock bottom and I just had no motivation to do anything including being alive. I still remember the night where I almost ended it all, I had my headphones in and it was around 2 in the morning.

I was listening to a classical music playlist since that music also comforts me. I was crying so hard but so quietly so my parents wouldn't hear me and wake up. The reason that I was crying was because I knew that- that night would be the last time that I would feel pain and loneliness.

As I was getting up off my bed to finally take action, the song 00:00 started playing and It completely caught me off guard because I was confused on how that song could have came out of a classical music playlist, it was just bizarre and once again I started crying .

I could have ended it all that night and missed out on so much of what life has yet to offer, life is beautiful and BTS has led to see that through their music.

They have become my source of happiness and I am wholeheartedly thankful for that and that is why I will always support them and love each one of the members as people I admire and look up to.

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