My Older Brothers 🇵🇭

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Hi! I'm Elai and I am from the Philippines 🇵🇭 and THIS IS MY STORY.

2013, 7-8 year old me was a very young and naive child. I was new to the internet and I came across them. I dont remember the first video I watched from them but I do remember thinking how cool they were. I watched them and thought of them as a cool older brother. You see I always wanted an older brother (even though I already have an older sister) but of course having split up parents I couldnt get one..and I guess they became those cool older brothers of mine.

Forward to 2015 was when I really got into them of course that was when I also learned this thing called subtitles..and other videos of them. You could say I grew up learning from my older brothers since I've never had a specific man figure in my life ever since I came to Canada. As I grew, I laughed and cried with them, through their music and their Run BTS, even getting closer with my classmates through them.

Moving to 2017, my mother had passed away. Honestly that was one of my biggest downfalls. I was a very extroverted and happy child, but, ever since losing my mother, along with it I also lost myself. That year they also released "Spring Day". It helped me through big time and till now its one of my comfort songs that got me through my moments.

They stopped me from taking my life, all 5 attempts..and until now. 14 getting to 15, without them I probably would not have made it this far. I probably would have lost myself if it werent for them. I learned many values in life at such a young age because of the things they have taught me all my life.

My older brothers thank you for making me a good person, even if I make mistakes, even if I still cant appreciate myself sometimes you have taught me to be confident and to stand up and keep fighting even if the whole world is against me. I hope one day I get to tell each and every one of them, thank you.

I may not be able to be in one of their fan meets or concerts or even have any of their official merch's, but, I do hope one day I get to personally thank my older brothers and in a me that shows how they have impacted my life. In a me that i'd be proud to show them and thank them.

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