My Life Before Becoming An ARMY 🇫🇯

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Hi! I'm Nidhi and I am from Fiji 🇫🇯 and THIS IS MY STORY.

My parents loved my 2 brothers more than me. They never showed or expressed their love to me. One day I asked them, why do you love my brothers more than me, you gave them anything they want. In the December 2019, my parents gave me a phone. So I stop asking them those questions again & again.

My parents didn't love me so I was always on my phone. One day as I was scrolling through YouTube and found a funny video of BTS. While I was watching that video I realized that I have laughed after so long. I started to watch more and more of their videos not knowing that they made me happy.

Once my parents knew that I was into BTS, they tried to stop me from listening to their songs. Then I asked them where were you when I needed you, when I was student going through a lot of pressure, you two were busy loving my brothers.

BTS taught me to love myself, be happy, cause of BTS I'm still alive, they made me who I am today, an ARMY and I'm proud to be ARMY.

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