Little World 🇮🇩

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Hi! I'm Jane and I am from Indonesia 🇮🇩 and THIS IS MY STORY.

This is the story of my life. Starting from when I was born, that time was a really happy time for my family as they finally have a daughter not knowing what's coming next for them. When my mom was pregnant with my little sister, she came back to her childhood house as my dad's mother doesn't treat her right. But then when my little sister was born we have to move out as my dad's older brother doesn't allow him to stay here.

My twin brother was a real good luck as he was born, we were allowed to come back to this house but sadly after some months, the younger twin died from encephalitis and meningitis, sadly leaving me although I had no idea what happened. In 2015, I got sick and my blood had almost become solid so if I don't stay in the hospital there is a possibility I might die, but I refuse staying in the hospital as the next day I have an award ceremony and luckily I won the Best Young Leader / Leadership Award in grade 1 primary school.

After 2 years, in 2016 when I was 8 years old, I found out about you guys, BTS. The more I found out about you the more quiet I became, that time was the time when I realized I was hiding all my pain inside my smile. Luckily, I was smart enough and act okay until 2020, when the pandemic start.

Before that, all my friends brag about their parents buying them Kpop merchandise while my family never supported me being a Kpopers and I decided to stay away from them for 3 months that made me lose 13 kg. My mom came to fetch me after she knew that I lost a-lot of weight and decided to try to make me gain weight even if it means that I will throw up every night because of being too full. After that, I start my grade 7 being all alone, but my long time friend decided to try to bring my old self back and made me become a cheerful person.

There, I met my ARMY friend, my own teacher. Since I am not allowed to buy anything related to Kpop, she started buying me some polaroids and pictures of some Kpop idols. She always send me videos of her unboxing your merchandises and I always thank her for being kind to me. She also send me her account just so that I can watch your online concerts.

At the start of 2021, I started to have some panic and anxiety which made my situation worst as my body would sometimes shake if there is too much people around me. But I manage to get one of the best scores in the school and pass the exam. Right now, I am trying to be more patient as I am really short-tempered so whoever mess with me is coming for a really big trouble.

If only I can meet you guys, I can tell my whole story but this is what I'm able to share first as I recently lost my other grandfather and he takes care of me as much as my first grandfather that passed away after my little brother passed away. It continues with my grandfather's sister passing away and my babysitter who took care of me and my mom since we were children and my first babysitter that died before I even remember him.

I want them to rest in peace, and I hope you guys will always be happy.

I for sure knew that it is impossible for you guys to never date after debut but I want you to always be happy, no matter what happens ok? I love you.

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