They Saved Me 🇮🇹

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Hi! I'm Milena and I am from Italy 🇮🇹 and THIS IS MY STORY.

Just a few months ago, I was always down crying in my room even for no reason really didn't know what to do anymore. But then I started to listen to some Korean songs, at the start nothing really changed but then I met them, those 7 guys from Korea that changed everything in me.

At the very beginning when I discovered them I was really passive I didn't really care, cause I thought they were just another k-pop group to listen to sometimes. Now I feel guilty thinking about this, cause now they are like a family to me. I didn't listen to sad songs anymore and I didn't lock myself in my room crying anymore.

They taught me to love myself and live my life the way I want to. I became an ARMY not just because I want to support them but because I hope that one day I can give them the same thing they gave me, happiness.

I am really grateful for them to only exist, cause if they didn't I don't know where I would be by now.

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