Foster 🇺🇸

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Hi! I'm Kainon and I am from USA 🇺🇸 and THIS IS MY STORY.

One summer evening, I went out with some of my friends to a school. I am five at the time. Later that night I came home and my mom and dad aren't there. I later find my brother and sister in my neighbors bedroom crying. I ask them what happened to mom and dad and they told they had been taken away. They told me we would never see them again.

They had gotten caught doing illegal drugs and selling drugs. They had actually been caught multiple times. We were later picked up by the police and taken to this big office building where we were later, all seperated from each and put in different foster homes. After two foster homes I finally got back with my brother and sister. We were there for a couple of years. By the time I left that home, I had just turned nine. After we left the one home we were taken to another building where my two sisters were taken by another family. Me and my brother were taken by another family. Im currently still with that family for almost ten years now.

In December of 2013, the family adopted both me and my brother. In 2019, I started getting into a depressed state. I constantly had thoughts running in my head. One of my school friends wanted to listen to a BTS song. I think it was DNA. I really liked it. After that I started listening to them more.

I slowly started getting my energy back. I have now been listening to BTS for almost two years. I am hoping I get to meet them soon so I can tell story personally. They also encouraged, however not directly, to start writing down the thoughts that I had and turning them into songs. I think thats what really allowed to listen to them better cause I realized how much I related to a lot of there songs.

So far my story is still growing and I'm sure BTS will still be there for me even after they leave.

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