Insecurities Went Away 🇮🇱

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Hi! I'm Hila and I am from Israel 🇮🇱 and THIS IS MY STORY.

In fourth grade I went through a boycott, a very big boycott, and I just did not want to live anymore. With that I would receive beatings every day from school, and teachers were always against me, in short the whole world was against me.

Everyone called me fat, ugly, and they told me why am I alive and that's why I wanted to die. I started by stopping eating and the sad part in my story is that- my parents did not know what I'm going through.

After half a year I said I would tell my parents about my situation but beyond that I was very scared of their reaction. But I still told them everything and after that I went through a bull house and saw some commercial of BTS and after that time I started listening to their songs, I started to love them and because of their campaign I got the courage to love myself.

BTS saved me from death and I am so thankful to them for that. If it wasn't for them I will not know the importance of myself and I would not meet other ARMY from different countries. I would not get to know my friend.

It's been 6 years and I'm so proud of it !!! I love them more than myself and they have no idea how important they are to me and I owe them my life.

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