Hopeless- Not At All 🇦🇫

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Hi! I'm Hadia and I am from Afghanistan 🇦🇫 and THIS IS MY STORY.

Sometimes the people around me makes me lazy to do the things I really like, such as watching anime and painting, and it's hard because it affects me entirely, from school to my home. I never had motivation to continue my life when things gets worse. I sometimes just hope and wait things to get better.

But then BTS came. And they became mu source of motivation, they transformed into a person who is always determined to finish her tasks. And just by listening to their songs, I really remember how hopeless I was before I met. I felt before that I was useless and not worth it, but BTS, taught me that I am more worth it than the people who are discriminating me.

BTS made me hopeful and made me realize that I am not hopeless at all.

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