My Boys With Luv 🇧🇪

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Hi! I'm Louise and I am from Belgium 🇧🇪 and THIS IS MY STORY.

(so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes in my English... I don't speak English at home, I speak dutch...)

Anyways, it's I think 4/5 months ago when I became an ARMY. Actually it's all becauses of my sister. She was already an ARMY since January 2021. Before that, I didn't really know anything about them. I only knew them because of Dynamite. That was the only song of them that was streamed on the radio here in Belgium. But in January 2021 my sister became an ARMY and I was like, 'nuhh' I don't really like them.

Because I knew, once I become a fan, it will never stop.. So I tried to stay away from them, but it was to strong. I started listening to their songs, I tried to study their name (and see the difference between them..) And I got to know to them better and better, I "chose" my bias, Jimin, and became a real ARMY, I started dreaming, and also started watching K-drama and listened to some other Kpop songs.. But most of all it's still BTS ofcourse.

So actually, I became an ARMY because of my sister. And being an ARMY was the best decission in my entire life!! I finaly find a reason to live. I finally. found someone who was there when I was at my lowest when nobody saw it.

I started to love myself because of them. I started listening to Namjoon who said: "Please use me, use BTS to love yourself" and that's what I did. They all taught me so much, I still can't believe how people can be so magical as they are.

They are angels!!

I really hope I can stay an ARMY forever, and I hope that my parents finally will understand that these 7 boys saved my life and that they are BOYS, they are NOT gay, and are freaking HOT!! My parents still don't accept that I stan 7 Korean boys, who wear make-up and paint their hair. And that is disgusting me. Because if they dont accept that, then they dont accept me. Because this is who I am, this is me.

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