Chapter 1- Konohagakure: The death of a hero, birth of a hero

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A man with spiky neck-length blonde hair, a white cape with the kanji of 'Yondaime Hokage' or the 'Fourth Fire-Shadow' that covered standard shinobi clothes that consisted of a full sleeved high neck blue shirt and a similar coloured pants with a sleeveless green colour vest that special shinobi called jounin wear, worn upon the shirt, and a woman with smooth and long red hair with a white blouse and a long green apron like skirt on the blouse were severely injured with a long white nail piercing through their abdomen and were coughing blood. In this critical state, they were bidding farewell to their baby, a blonde bundle of sunshine, wrapped in a blanket, that had been peacefully sleeping after crying for a reason it could not comprehend yet. A scroll was placed beside the child, written by the man before the battle, that led to his death, had begun, addressed to his predecessor, regarding the dying couple's new born baby.

An old man in warrior shinobi clothes approached the baby and read the scroll specially meant for his eyes, sent of the bodies of the brave martyred couple for cremation. He retook the hap of Hokage, which he had passed to Namikaze Minato after the Third Great Shinobi War. The Hokage Hat was passed down to people who were in their prime and had all the qualities of a Kage. If no such person was available, the passing down had to wait, which was why the old man who was the Sandaime Hokage, simply called by those in his village Konohagakure 'Sandaime-Sama' or 'Lord Third', had retaken the hat.

The retaking of the hat by the Sandaime was greeted with happiness by most of the villagers of Konohagakure no Sato-The Village Hidden in the Leaves, a little scepticism from Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura and bitterness from Shimura Danzo, the Sandaime's rival since childhood.

Konohagakure was the first village to be started after the warring eras, even though there have been few villages before it. It was founded by Uchiha Madara, the then head of the Uchiha clan and Senju Hashirama, the then head of Senju clan who would later become the 'Shodaime' or the first Hokage, the leader of Konoha. The 'Nidaime' or the Second Hokage was Senju Tobirama, the younger brother of Hashirama. He and Hashirama had been the teachers of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime. Hiruzen, Homura and Koharu had been Tobirama's genin team, while Danzo had also been a student. Hiruzen had been chosen as the successor by the Nidaime himself, before his last battle that marked the beginning of the Second Great Shinobi War. Namikaze Minato, an orphan had risen to great heights during the third Shinobi War with a rare jutsu he learnt that had been developed by Tobirama and had been the Yondaime since after the war till his death, when Sarutobi had to retake the hat again as he and some other shinobi didn't accept Danzo as Hokage due to the darkness in his heart.

The Sandaime announced to whomever needed and those who demanded (the higher officials, civilian council) that the baby was named Uzumaki Naruto, his lineage hidden from all those who didn't witness the horrible deaths of the hero couple, which was the entire village except the Sandaime and a friend of the couple. However, the status of the boy as the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi had to be revealed to the council (including, unfortunately, the civilian council). The Civilian Council was asked to maintain silence throughout the meeting which resulted in the Shinobi Council to not know the Civilian Council's interest in eliminating the 'threat' of a boy, since either the Sandaime had failed to explain what a Jinchuriki or a Human Sacrifice is(which the Shinobi Council was sure he had done) or the Civilian Council was simply stupid to understand the difference between a human sacrificed to seal away a beast, acting as a barrier between the beast and the outside world and a human sacrificed causing the reincarnation of the said beast. The Shinobi Council, who were yet to know their misconceptions would be stuck between face-palming, laughing and annihilating 'something (cough) person (cough) people', once they understood the mindset of the civilians.

One particular shinobi, Shimura Danzo, titled as the war hawk, planned to take Uzumaki Naruto a.k.a Kyuubi no Jinchuriki under his wing- a war hawk instinct. Well, let's say that Hiruzen, who was naïve enough to trust his 'friend' with the 'darkness' of the village, was clever enough to do his best to prevent this, starting from that day.

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