Chapter 78: I Declare War!

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This bold part I am writing on the day I published the previous chapter (after I published it of course...). I've always tried NOT to feel awful enough to start typing away my feelings here in Wattpad... yet here I am.

The very fact that I am writing this here stings me, because it's unfair to bother you guys with my problems because I am weak. Hence the reason I'm not posting this on my feed, because I find feeds more personal.

This I'm typing the next day:

I've typed a page long stuff on my feelings here that day, feeling down enough to let it remain for a day long, only to erase it all the next day. Denial is my friend, no matter how much I deny that.

And I think that I can express my feelings well, am not ashamed to express my weakness. Somewhere deep down I know that it is not true... I try acknowledging that by writing this down and not erasing it...

I think I've troubled you all enough with this rambling.

On with the chapter...


'For Kami's sake, stop stalling!' Akira wanted to yell, but Mifune did the job, albeit more politely and peacefully. "What is this scheme of yours?" Obito replied, "Let me sit down. I want to take my time talking to you."


"All shall become one with me," Obito began, "and result in a complete possession form that unites all." 

'We did not ask for a summary or a review of your plans. Details! Before I plummet you down myself!' Akira thought.

"What are you talking about?" Ohnoki prompted. 

Obito explained, "The Uchiha Clan have a stone tablet that has been passed through generations. It still exists underground in Konoha and can be read only by select few with different levels of the Sharingan- Sharingan, Mangekyo Sharingan, Rinnegan. On it are secrets written by Rikudo Sennin himself." 

Ohnoki interrupted, "The Sage is just a folklore. This is a myth." "As much as the one that states that the Uchiha have the Sharingan." Obito retorted. "It is the truth."

Ay growled. "Don't change the subject. What does the sage have to do with your plans?" "Do you know he has been revered as a legendary character? There lies the link between him and my plans."

Tsunade piped in, "Madara, you have the Mangekyo Sharingan. Pein had the Rinnegan. You've read the tablet completely, haven't you?" "Yes." Obito nodded. "Something the other pathetic relatives of mine couldn't do. Even Shisui and Itachi." Akira was thankful that she hadn't asked either Uchiha to come as an escort. "We are listening." Tsunade said.

"The Sage once saved the world from a certain monster." Obito said. "It was the ten-tailed beast, Jyuubi. The combination of every Bijuu in existence. Something that possessed the most powerful chakra." Everyone was shocked, though some didn't express it.

Temari, who had tagged along with Gaara, with her brother Kankuro, blurted. "Aren't there only nine Bijuu?" "I just told you." Obito's voice bordered one of a chiding adult. 

"It is the combination of the nine: Shukaku in Gaara- Ichibi; Kumogakure's fiery monster cat in Nii Yugito- Nibi; The former Mizukage's Sanbi; Roshi of the Lava Style has Yonbi; Han of Iwagakure has Gobi; Former Nuke-nin Utakata has Rokubi; Fuu of Taki- Nanabi; Raikage's Otouto, Killer Bee- Hachibi; and Konoha's fox spirit- Kyuubi.

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