Chapter 63: Two Suns and Bijuu Mode Training

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Minato withdrew his hand from Naruto's head and she opened her eyes

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Minato withdrew his hand from Naruto's head and she opened her eyes. She saw her parents looking at each other before coming to a silent agreement. Kurama had dozed off, exhausted, trying to recover lost chakra. Naruto understood that her parents' time was up. She looked at them lovingly, and it softened their forlorn expressions.

"Musume," Kushina said. "I will be telling again what I told you then. After all, you are never too young for a mother's advice." She grinned cheekily. Then her smile turned soft as she placed a hand on Naruto's cheek.

"Naru-chan, don't be picky, eat lots and grow strong. Make sure you bathe everyday and stay warm. Don't stay up late, you need enough sleep to be healthy. And make friends. You don't need a lot of them, but have ones you can really, really trust. I wasn't good at such stuff like your father, but keep up with your studies and practice your skills regularly. Remember, everyone has their weaknesses and faults. So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well. Respect your teachers and seniors.

Oh, and the Three Prohibitions for a Shinobi are important. Always be careful when lending and borrowing money. Save your earnings from missions and don't spend them unnecessarily. Second, No alcohol till you are twenty. Even then, too much can ruin your health. Another prohibition is about involvement with the opposite gender. The world is made up both men and women, so it is only natural to take interest in boys. Don't get hooked up on any random man. Find someone like your father, if you are like me, or like myself, if you are like your father. Speaking of prohibitions, beware of Jiraiya. Set him right in case he misbehaves with you.

Naruto, you have faced many hardships till now. And you will face many more from now on. Be true to yourself. Have a dream and have the confidence to make the dream come true. There is so much I want to pass on to you. I want to stay longer with you. I love you, my child.

Minato, I had used up your time then. And I am doing the same even now. I'm sorry."

Minato shook his head, smiling. "It's alright. Naru-chan, my message then was the same as your nagging mother's." Kushina only smiled fondly at that. "But now, seeing how you are now, and seeing that I do have time, I would like to add some things." His face turned serious.

"I wish I could have kept you safer from the world. Kushina might not want you hooking up with bad men, but I don't want you hooking up with any. Not when I can't see for myself if they are worthy of you."

Kushina was indignant. "Minato! It is only natural. Besides, I believe she can choose for herself if she wants. If she is anything like us, which I don't doubt she is, she will find the right person. From what I have seen, Itachi is a good choice." She giggled.

Naruto blinked before sputtering. "Kaa-san! Where did you even get that from? Itachi-kun is my best friend." Kushina waved her hand, dismissing her daughter's claim. Minato seemed deep in thought with his hand on his chin. "Fugaku's eldest son, huh?" He pondered aloud. "He didn't seem bad. But I still am not sure of my baby girl growing up." He received a punch on his shoulder, courtesy of his beloved wife. "Ow! Fine. But he will be the only choice from what I have seen. If it could happen, I would like to fight with the Shinigami to come back and protect my princess." He wrapped his arms protectively around his only daughter.

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