Chapter 106: Trouble for an Uzumaki

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Pride is inevitable in a human being. It is what it is directed towards that defines and distinguishes one man from another. It is troublesome when this pride is nurtured beyond control, and dangerous when hurt in that situation. Dangerous to not only the prideful one, but also those around them.

Uchiha Sasuke was unhappy with Uzumaki Naruto. He didn't seem to find the loser deserving of the sudden increase in favour. 

If only he had been successful in undermining 'him' immediately after the war. 

His parents had been disappointed in him then. If he had been successful then, that wouldn't have happened.

How dare that arrogant Dobe refuse his wish to spar then? Had 'he' grown conceited within the time 'he' was away. Sasuke had been sure 'he' must have and had been planning to bring 'him' down by several notches during the spar he planned.

Well, every Uchiha is smart. Even Obito, who was thought to be dumb as a kid had conspired to cause a World War.

One afternoon, Sasuke was patrolling a street. He stopped by a store and asked the vendor, a young lady, to give him few tomatoes. With price of course.

He was about to pay her when someone stood beside him, giving the lady their own orders, "Good Afternoon, Ma'am. I would like some cabbage, onions and sweet potatoes, please."

Sasuke's blood pressure had increased at the voice as his head turned without his consent to his fellow customer. 

"Naruto." He gritted his teeth.

The blonde turned his head at the call and gave Sasuke a short smile. "Good Afternoon, Sasuke-san. I hope work has been going well." Naruto conversed politely.

The lady, who was clearly Naruto's fan had enthusiastically given 'him' the required vegetables. When asked for the cost, she added, "The onions had harvested magnificently this year! Therefore the price is lower than usual. With that she gave the bill to Naruto.

"Thank you for goods!" Naruto thanked the vendor who replied, "Thank you for the business. Do visit us again!" "Good day, Sasuke-san." Naruto added, and with that, the blonde left the shop.

Sasuke slammed the money for his tomatoes and ran outside the shop, ignoring the calls of people. "Oi, Naruto!" He yelled.

The blonde turned back with a confused look, "Yes, Sasuke-san? Did you need something?"

"Spar with me Dobe!" Sasuke demanded.

Naruto didn't bat an eyelash. "I'm afraid you lack good timing, Sasuke-san. Even if I weren't busy now, I wouldn't have accepted. Now, if you excuse me, I have somewhere else to be."

Sasuke was having none of it. "No Dobe. You don't get to back away."

"I'm afraid I have to. You see, I am running late-"

"I wasn't asking, Dobe." Sasuke growled as he scowled darkly.

Naruto narrowed 'his' eyes. "I don't think it is a request either, but if it is an order, then it is invalid."

A moment of confusion and a spike of anger in the Uchiha.

"One can only be ordered by a superior- family or work, with appropriate reasons attached. I am not obliged to follow you, for you are not my superior in either."

"You insolent brat!" Sasuke batted his hand harshly, intending to set Naruto's bags of groceries flying, only for the Uzumaki to catch them in air, mid-fall, and seal them away in a scroll that was pocketed immediately.

"I have given you my reasons, Uchiha-san, and am well within my right to reject your 'offer'. If anyone is being insolent and a brat among us, right now, it is you." Naruto said, a hint of coldness in her voice.

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