125. Pretty Dresses

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First off, fashion freedom for everyone ! No more "MeN CAnT wEaR SkIrTs" bullshit. No more "ThAts tOo ShOrT". No more "YoU CAnT weAr ThAt CuS YouRE a GiRl"

YOU FUCKING CAN AND YOU WILL HONEY. no one tells you how to dress. You wear what makes you powerful. May it be covered from head to toe or showing skin. DO IT !

Sirius runs a bridal. His fashion design degree in good use, he designs and makes wedding dresses for all couples. Sadly, he had to play shopkeeper today. Lily had a leave.

Just when he was about to close, a tall man came in. Looking slightly nervous,  glancing around.

"Hello there, I'm Sirius. How may I help you ?" Sirius asked cheerfully. New customers were always a little shy.

"Hey, Remus. Do you have a reservation under Lupin ?"

Oh my, his voice. As handsome as its owner.

He checked Lily's notes. Sirius stuttered. "Yes, you're right on time. Mr. Lupin requested number 213. This way please "

Sirius knows whoever walks through that door and tries on a dress is not crush-able. He has to guard his heart against people like Remus. P
olite sweethearts who are taken.

"Here, it's a beautiful choice. Would you want to try it on ? I can make alterations if you have any you'd like to change." Sirius handed the plastic covered gown to Remus.

The man gingerly held the white before heading to the changing area. Sirius left for his table by the door.

Sighing, he pouted slightly. Well, what did he expect. A man that cute ? He let himself smile sheepishly.

"Uhh Sirius, would you mind helping me ?"

Ahh must be the zipper.

Sirius gave a small jog and knocked on the door. "I'm right out here Remus."

He held his breath as the husband-to-be stepped out. He looked magnificent. The off-shoulder style fit his stature. Remus had a blush as he turned around for Sirius.

"Help me with the zipper please." He turned on his back.

"Sure thing ! You look very elegant by the way. I'd suggest wearing stilettos to compliment the length."

Remus stepped in front of the mirror. He smoothed out the ruffles and checked on the little sequins. "This is a masterpiece." He murmured.

Sirius averted his eyes shyly, rubbing his nape. "Thanks, a masterpiece for a masterpiece."

The man flushed deeper. "My brother's gonna love it."

Brother ? A flash of confusion crossed Sirius' face but he wasn't going to judge his client. No matter how... nevermind.

Remus must've caught his expression and he laughed. "Oh that's not what I meant Sirius." He covered his mouth. "This dress is for my brother."

"Ah.. so mr. Lupin is your brother ?"

"Yes, well we're twins. He's busy today so I stepped in. Fortunately our measurements are the same."

"So you're single ?"

A hand clapped over Sirius' lips. Shit shit shit shit.  "Sorry, that was unprofessional."

Remus turned to him with a bright smile. "Yes, I'm single. I was close to buying dresses just so I can call you."

They stood there chuckling. Remus' fingers playing around with the dress, he said. "Soo.. does that mean you can be my plus one ?"

"You want me ? to come to the wedding ?" Sirius asked, bewildered.

Remus shrugged, still in the gown. An out of place beanie adorning his hair. "If we go on multiple dates and you like me back..then maybe you can be my plus one."

The designer couldn't hold his excitement. "Yes ! Oh my God we could go to this café around the corner and then-"

"First, get me out of this before I wrinkle it." Remus hiked the gown high above his knees. At least he has his boxers on.

Sirius shoved him back in the changing room, cheeks heating up. From inside, he heard a chiding laugh.

"You're like a man from the 1800s seeing ankles for the 1st time !"

"Shut up !"

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