જ A Game of Love and Deceit જ ☾ Angelina ☽

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Book Name: A Game of Love and Deceit

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Book Name: A Game of Love and Deceit



Title: 6/6- What could I say? The title is eye-catching and is suitable for the story so well done.

Cover: 7/7- I love the cover! The title, and the author's name can be seen clearly, and it stands out from the background. I really love the title being in the centre instead being on the left or right of the cover with the title being a bit lower. It gives the title a space to make it stand out more and with the red cursive on the word 'Love', it gives a good contrast to the other words in the title. I also love the streak of red on the cover and it as a background for the author's name as it gives a contrast against the colour of the water wave and give a depth of emotion to the cover.

Blurb: 7/7- I love the blurb. It gives a very good insight and a basic introduction for the story and the story plot so well done.

World and Settings: 10/10- The world is written clearly. For the Stix, it was clearly written that the Stix is a place where the poor lives and that everyone gets the same wages. For the place where the Elites live, it is well written that it is a place where technology is evident and where the Elites are rich, so it is always a place of fashion for the rich and the Heartbreak Island, where it looks like a normal island when you first see it but has all the amenities that the participants needed for the Lovehunt. I hope that the author will be able to write with this good concept of the world in the subsequent chapters.

Plot and concept: 10/10- At first, I thought that this book was like the Hunger Games, having the main character to fight just because of one thing that the person doesn't have until when I read the first few chapters and find out that his book is different than Hunger Games. Difference between Hunger Games and this book: 1. Sabrina is the one going to the Lovehunt and that Delilah did not change places with her against Hunger Games when Katniss changed places with her younger sister, Primrose, who was selected to the hunger games. 2. Sabrina already had a boyfriend before this while Katniss didn't until Peetra. I really love the concept of Sabrina losing her everything and had to stay strong as the person who is a wolf in sheep's clothing and to prove to everyone who she truly is. Oh, I also love the fact that Sabrina must choose a weapon for Lovehunt and how the Lovehunt really differ from the Lovehunt Sabrina thought in her mind.

Characters: 9/10- I really love the attitudes, and mannerisms for the characters. For the characteristics of the characters, it is also written quite well but the problem lies in the appearance as it is written briefly. To solve this problem, the easiest way is to write a character list that describes the appearance of the characters, the characteristics, attitudes, and mannerisms of the characters. Another method is to describe the appearance of the characters in the beginning of the book, letting the readers know about your character before continuing the story.

Content and chapters: 10/10- For content, there is not a problem for now as the contents of each chapter is really well written and is not rushed during the transition to the next chapter. Each story development for the characters during the chapters and how Sabrina was to decide to be a person who will stand strong despite the challenges thrown at her is well transitioned and well-paced. Well done.

Writing Skills: 20/20- For now, I do not see any grammar errors or repetition of words and for the sentence for the beginning of the first chapter, I really love it and it is a good way to start the story. I also love the way the author uses the 'show, not tell' method in his/her writing for each chapter of the story and the sparing use of the dialogues in his/her story. I also love the pacing of the story as it is not too slow and not too fast. Well done.

Style and Theme: 10/10- I really admire the way how the author write this book that really differs from the Hunger Games books that I had read before. It is also admirable on how the story plot and content really differ from the hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Well done.

Enjoyment and engagement: 10/10- Overall, I really love this book and it is an enjoyable read. I hope the author will continue writing this story with a good pacing and storyline and improve on the points I mentioned.

Overall and Extra comments: 99/100- I am really impressed with this book because this book does not have any grammar errors (for now) and that the story plot and the world settings are really done well. I am excited to read the whole story and for readers who love the Hunger Games and want to read books that are more to this style, you can read this book although it differs in most parts. For readers who love both romance and the Hunger Games, this book is a good read for you all. Well, done to the author for writing such an amazing book.

Thank you!

Have a Great Day ahead!

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