જ My Queen જ ☾Demonnix☽

39 2 3

Author - _WildStar_
Reviewer - Demonnix

Book - MY QUEENAuthor - _WildStar_Reviewer - Demonnix

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Title -> {9/10}

Although not fully original and slightly plain, the title holds many themes and ideas of what the story may be about!

Cover -> {15/15}

WOW! That's one good-looking cover! The colours really attract the eye as well as the very good-looking guy! Their outfit really does match a title as high as the King..

Story Description -> {5/5}

The description of a murderess Queen and a cruel King.. so much can be inferred from this!

It has been written in an interesting way which can attract the attention of the reader with short descriptions of the characters. The game in which they play also creates curiosity!

As there hasn't been much said about their future relationship, this really can interest a lot of readers. What happens to them? How will things turn out between them?

Content -> {42/50} (grammar and punctuation, originality, plot)

I must say, my favourite line in this story is, '...what my head wants is not what my heart wants... if only I could destroy it..'. I have never related to a character more in all my life!

The description of even such little movements the main character took really helped create vivid imagery in my head! This was done really frequently and that's very good but be careful of how many times it is done in a chapter - sometimes, there may be too much if it's placed too closely together.

In the chapter labelled 'Second Nigh,' there is a minor mistake in the last paragraph with a question mark in the middle of the sentence.. Checking for even small mistakes would be helpful for the future! There are other mistakes in the coming chapter with capital letters at the beginning of sentences so please make sure they are fixed.

Titles such as King, Queen, Prince and Princess need a capital letter in front as a form of respect and just because they're high titles so please be careful with how they've been written.

Punctuation has been disregarded in a few positions in chapters so the place, be mindful of that - using the correct punctuation really impacts the opinions of the reader.

I like the new characters introduced in each chapter and how there are different perspectives! It keeps the story entertaining as we are getting to know new characters' opinions!

Writing Skills -> {9/10}

I must say, the first chapter, the way the author has described their own lives in such a way really does excite me! Another thing that really interested me was the thorough description of the history during the story and the cast throughout the book!

The thorough descriptions are very nice and create clear images throughout the story! This is sometimes hard to do so well done!

Overall Enjoyment -> {8/10}

The story is very nice and I really liked the storyline but the only thing that mainly threw me off was the punctuation and small mistakes in the story! Other than that, it's amazing!


Total Marks - {88/100}

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