જ The Wind જ ☾ Claire☽

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Author: OreLace

Reviewer: ClaireMari29

Notes To The Author: Thank you for being my 4th client, and so I appreciated your patience in your reviews, as I said in my first three reviews, everything in this review will be based upon my opinions and my beliefs, and I hope so you’ll understand.

Cover, Title, and Blurb: 30/30

No biasing, yet I want to give you a huge kudos for requesting your cover to Miss Meha-K, I do always request a lot of graphics from her at the same time, and the way Miss Meha made your cover was very impressive, the title and blurb concept towards your poetry book as Wind, truly
relates as The Wind as it matches the theme concept at the same time.

Poetry Connections: 58/60

All of your poems are very short, honestly speaking, yet as I can read your poems again and again, I realized that even if it’s short, it also speaks meaning themselves at the same time, as how your other readers explained, so from there I owe you kudos, but there’s also one last line based form the poem: “Destiny” that makes me confused, can you please tell me what it means as I was also confused as like one of your readers. Yet so far, your poems are short, yet speak
power and meaning to itself.

Reviewer and Reader Satisfaction: 9.5/10

I am pleased with your poetry, it was short, again, yet they speak to power, I am pleased with how you made the cover, as it also relates much to the theme as well, I hoped you can make more poems in the future.

Total: 97.5

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