જ Catching Pace જ ☾Michael☽

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Book: ViBgYoR Part 1:- Catching Pace
Author: KingOfTheTwillight
Reviewer: s-starryknight 

Title: It fits well, I think the ViBgYoR Part is quite smart, and

Cover: It looks very cool and aesthetically fits, I like it

Blurb: The blurb showcases the story well, my only advice is to just be careful with what you say to try and make sure readers have some mystery in waht they are about to read.

Plot: The plot is quite interesting, it is sort of complex in a "there are lots of wotld mechanics" way, but it continues to engage the audience and is still nice to read!

Characters: Your characters feel very solid, they aren't necessarily flat and tasteless but they don't show much emotional range, it works with some characters but not others, so I would suggest working with that.

Flow of story: I feel like the story flows decently, it doesn't jump around too much and always makes sense throughout, the story flows well

Grammar: I found no flaws with your grammar, however I would advise just going through and reading through your chapters to ensure it is all alright!

Writing Style: Your writing style intrigues me, you write very matter-of-factly and display things very exactly. It feels very tightly-knit, which I think works for this story, but I for some reason feel like it cuts off a bit of an emotional response from the characters to the readers, but that might just be me

Enjoyment: I enjoyed your story, the story is so cool!

Conclusion: I think you have a great story and are doing your best way to display it, my only critique would be how how have written the book, other than that it is very good!

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