જ A Fighting Chance જ ☾Yashi☽

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Book name: A Fighting Chance

Author: MiniMoxx

Reviewer: Yashhiiiee

Title: (9.5/10) A nice and unique title, gives away that the book is about fighting something and getting over it.

Cover: (10/10) I really like the cover you have there, especially how the trails of letters are blended together, so pretttyyyy.

Blurb: (9/10) A really well written blurb. It tells us what to expect from the story you have there, but I feel it could be a little bit longer.

Storyline: (14/15) Can't really say much because you have only 5 chapters written so far, but I love the overall concept and plot you have there. I would really like to see how Brayson gets over his problems and how Angelica helps him through it.

Characters: (15/15) I like how both of them are really sweet. They want the best for others but can't seem to get the same for themselves. Yeah, character development is not something you can see in 5 chapters, but I already see changes in Brayson, which is REALLY great.

Grammar and Punctuation: (20/20) Accurate grammar and punctuation. I couldn't even find a single mistake. Goooodd joobbbb!!

Overall enjoyment: (9/10) I feel you can add some more drama if you have not already thought of it. Other than that, it's really good.

Conclusion: (10/10) You've been there since long and have written a lot of stories so you know your way around writing and your writing shows it, the amount of time and hard work you've put in. It's a fabulous story if you add a bit more drama to it, I don't have any other advice for you because you know what you're doing. Keep goinggg!!

P.S ~ You asked for a review from me because you wanted me to tell you both the good things and the parts where there's scope for improvement in your story so please don't bash me for it. You're talented and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And obviously it's totally up to you if you want to consider my feedback or not. Good luck for your book <33 ~ Yashi

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