જ Nixsel જ ☾ Claire☽

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Author: shalomtka

Reviewer: ClaireMari29

Notes To The Author: Thank you for being my second client in reviewing upon this community, from here, your review is out, as I said from my first client, I‘m pleased for your patience while I’m making your review, everything in this review will be based upon my opinions and my beliefs,
and I hope so you’ll understand.

Cover, Title, and Blurb: 28.5/30

I believed the blurb and title are good and originally made, what impressed me in checking your work was the matter how you mixed Damsel and Nix, which makes the title concept Nixsel, I am pleased that you added what it means on the blurb as it makes readers understand, what makes me rate this category as 28.5 is the matter how your cover somehow didnt aligned over
for the title and blurb itself, I suggest changing the cover, make it like the woman and the man as face claims, and make the theme a bit darker, since the FeMC of the story has traumas, in that way, the cover can resemble what’s going on for the story.

Grammar and Writing Style: 26/30

Sadly to say, I can't rate much in your writing style as you are writing using first POV, and First POV of writing was actually out of my cup of tea, yet, in your grammar on the other hand, I believed that you did your writing well, I spot no errors on it at the same time.

Storyline and Plot: 29/30

I am a little confused about the storyline because of the matter you used 1st POV in writing, yet, what makes me rate the plot of your work as high is that I found this concept new to me, and lastly, it relates now and gives more sense in why you made the title as Nixsel.

Reviewer and Reader's Satisfaction: 9/10

I am very pleased on the plot of your work for now, yet our issue relies on the 1st POV writing, and I suggest you can make your work as 3rd POV for better understanding, I am also pleased that you used aesthetics and graphics to make your work better as it gives more deep connection to get hooked on your work at the same time.

Total: 92.5

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