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Song: Nice for what by Drake 


What the fuck did I do?

That's the first thing I think when I open my eyes, what the fuck did I do? Where am I?, and Why?

My head is throbbing and I'm still seeing slight white spots, when I look next to me I see three other bodies.

Jayden next to me, Kimani and Sasha on the ends and let's not forget the fact that everyone else is passed out.

Or so I thought.

When Alex walks out a door which I assume is the bathroom door I verbally gag making him snap his head at me.

"Get out" he mutters to me and I squint.

"Excuse me?" I mumble, my head hurts so much, I don't even have the energy.

"Get out of my room and take your girlfriends with you" He looks at me from across the room, leaning against the bathroom door.

Words can't even form out of my mouth because my brain is all scrambled from that fucking Pink Whitney.

I look away from him and to the clock just to see it's almost 9 am and practice is at 10. I take a long sigh reminding myself to take deep breaths before I freak the fuck out on this little white boy.

I stand up trying my best to ignore the fact that my vision is blurry and that my head is throbbing.

Alex's sadistic self watches me stand up and wake up the girls, not stopping until they all leave the room and I'm getting their purses.

"Learn to control your vodka" Alex adds and I can't help but react.

"Suck my dick," I say right back and walk out of the beach house, this is not one of my best moments.

When I get to the car all the girls are leaning on it very hung over and even though I may be the least hungover I'm not driving at all.

I'm never driving under the influence. Ever.

It's like my mind is read because I see Jayden rushing out of the beach house seconds after I started to look for ubers back to our dorms.

"Ivy, Hey" he comes up to me seeing the vivid stress on my face.

"I didn't want you to go without saying goodbye, also you left this" he hands me a necklace, I didn't even realize this was gone, oh my god.

This necklace belonged to Iris.

"Thank you so much," I tell him before looking back at my phone.

"What?" He asks still reading the stress vivid all over my face.

"Nothing, we're all really hung over and we have practice in less than an hour and I don't want to drive," I tell him and he plays with his lips for a second before reaching his hand out.

"I'm completely sober so I can drive you guys" he offers and I don't even question it I hand him the keys and get the girls in the car. One by one, they all start waking up out of their hangover which is good. I'm not sure how Jayden isn't hung over though. I mean maybe he's just used to getting wasted and waking up as if nothing happened though.

The drive is short and quiet, however, once we get there the girls are quick to hop out and get to the dorms to change once they realize the time but before I get out Jayden stops me. 

"Thank you, Jayden" I smile, "How will you get back?" I ask realizing he didn't take his car.

"I'll walk I need the exercise," He tells me and I nod with a soft smile.

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