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"Well did you daughter have an alcohol problem did she ever do drugs like opioids or anything of the sort?" The doctor asks them.

"No Ivy is an athlete she doesn't do any form of drugs, I may not be with her 24% but the closest thing to drugs she's done was her anti anxiety meds that her therapist prescribed to her after her older sister passed away" Her mom explains but the doctors are still confused.

"Well the people being questioned say a couple found her passed out in a tub of a house during a house party but when they checked her pulse there was none and we don't know how long she could have been out for but just grateful she's up" The doctor continues but then Ivys father looks to me.

"Did you put her up to this? Did you give her those drugs? I know white people like you, I told Ivy not to trust everyone who smiles in her face. You people do cocaine and all types of drugs, were you putting my Ivy up to that shit?" He yells at me and honestly as hard as i'm trying to not show it i'm scared as shit.

"No, I promise you Mr.Davis, Ivy tutored me and we would hang out and eat at places, I would never deliberately put her in danger, I play football im an athlete too, I'd always and I've always led her away from anything drug related" I explain and he just shakes his head pushing past me and walking out.

"Im sorry for him, I trust that you had nothing to do with this, maybe Ivy was just going through something we didn't know about, especially since her sisters anniversary passed" She explains in somber.

"I was with Ivy that whole week of her sisters anniversary, she was a wreck but not once did she ever take a pill or a drug or anything, I know Ivy, this isn't her " I explain but her moms shakes her head.

"These drugs have had to had gotten in her somehow" She looks at me still very confused.

"It could have been a possible drink spiking, It's common especially in college parties" The doctor shares and it immediately makes sense.

"That's it! Ivy and I were arguing she's pissed at me and I was watching her the whole time, she never did anything out of the blue she just drank more than usual, someone spiked her." I come to my senses and just then Ivy wakes up.

The second she does she makes immediate contact with me, She looks like same like she's waking up from a nap.

She looks at me for a few seconds like she's not mad but her face slowly starts to change.

"Get him out of here" She glares at me but speaks to her mom.

"What? Alex is h-" but Ivy cuts her off.

"I want him and Sasha to leave, now" She snaps like me and Sasha are so triggering for her.

What the fuck did Jayden say.

Sasha and I exit giving Ivy her space, there's no use for us in here.


I'm getting tested, Im getting questioned, Just a whole bunch of bs for something I don't even remember.

I was sitting in the bathroom on the toilet drinking water to sober up and then everything's black and i'm here.

Apparently I died and resurrected but i'm not Jesus fucking christ, My heart stopped because of some drugs mixing with alcohol and I know for a fact I don't do drugs.

My first thought is I was drugged.

Seeing Alex and Sasha sent complete rage through my body, I can't take seeing them especially after what I was told.

The doctors make me do tests, like many many tests and I know I pass them because I feel fine, I can walk, I can talk, I can run and I can think.

I end up staying for another day so they can monitor me but on the third day I go back to my dorm.

On the next day I rest, some friends visit whenever but eventually I get sick of it I got the clear to cheer so I just go leave to cheer practice.

"Ivy what are you doing here" Coach Daisy asks and I look at her like she's crazy.

I'm here to practice, I feel perfectly fine and I can't waste anymore time" I tell her and she shakes her head.

"Ivy no, This is for your safety you could hurt yourself or your heart can stop again" She talks to me with genuine concern but I ignore her.

"I don't have any disease, I was tested and I'm clear, None of the specialist can figure out why my heart stopped but it was cleared that it won't happen randomly unless the same person that drugged me drugs me again. I got the clear to cheer this morning and I feel great" I tell her and she bites her lip.

"Im going to test you, i'm giving you three flips, three jumping sets, and I floor routine, if you can do it at your normal pace, and Ivy original i'll let you come back to practice, if you can't or if even the slightest thing looks off to me you're going to your dorm and resting, is that clear?" She asks and I nod.

I immediately take off my sweats and get on the floor and she furrows her brows.

"Oh you want to show me right this second?" Her eyes are wide and I nod, well obviously.

When she gives me the sets and flips I land them giving her full energy, She tells me to do my floor routine from a couple months ago and I do just that perfecting it to prove her wrong.

"Well you clearly out did yourself Ivy, as much as I hate this I trust that you know your own body and you're going to not push yourself past your limits, so for now you can cheer" She smiles slightly before turning back to the group who's stretching.

"Hey Ivy" Kimani waves at me when she sees me waltzing in to stretch with them.

"Practice has been lame without you" Leilani adds and I smile slightly.

"Did you speak to Alex?" Ciara asks me and I squint at her.

"No, I told you he's dead to me" I mumble slightly going back to stretching.

"He should be" Delilah adds and I smile, see the cosigning because I know i'm right.

"You can do whatever you want but honestly Iv you didn't even tell us exactly what Jayden said, just a gist of it" Kimani looks at me and I roll my eyes.

I'm not repeating what Jayden said. Never in my life will I ever say those words out loud.

"It doesn't matter it's over with" I tell them standing up and going over to chalk my hands up for flipping.

A/N: well i don't even know what to say yall ..lol

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