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Watching me Ethan probably thinks how the fuck do I even cheer with two left feet.

"Ivy," He says my name snapping me out of my glare with the dummies.

"Okay okay look, start slow first don't rush into it and save that same anger you have now for the pushing weight dummies" He tells me and I take a deep breath.

I go to step over them again but I once again fall thankfully I get caught by Ethan.

"Okay maybe you need to start small from like the baby dummies" He still holds me even after I stand up fully.

"No No, I can try again, let me go again" I tell him feeling too determined.

"It's alright, not everyone can get it the first time" He tries to comfort me but it absolutely does not help.

"Wait Wait, let me do it, I got it I really do" I plead and he gives in.

I step back and put my hair further back, rolling up my shorts a little and taking a deep breath.

I finally run through those stupid ass half dummies fast and clean, As much as it seems as it should be simple it's not, I swear it's not.

"Yeah you did it" He runs up to me hugging me. He's real handsy for someone I just met, 6 feet distance babe.

However I see Alex looking in our direction in the corner of my eye and he does that look, that's stupid fucking look when he's getting agitated, good. Karma.

We do all the different work outs and they go smoothly not as difficult as they though it would be on us.

"Wow you girls are taking these work outs better than I expected" Jayden speaks up and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Did you forget we work out too, it takes body strength to do what we do. We do 50 push ups and don't bitch and moan"  Ciara yells at him, Honestly with the way they argue I wouldn't even think they're twins.

"Anyways, we have two more days for the football team to guide the girls so we took it easy when practice started but know we're ending in pushing the weight dummies" Ethan talks.

"Alex and Sasha come and demonstrate how it's supposed to be moved" He asks while moving out the way.

Sasha and Alex run up to the dummies like they're going to beat the shit out of them and then they push it all the way across the field, like fast as hell, it can't be that hard though, you're just pushing a bag.

We all start one by one and we all struggle one by one, this shit is blowing me.

The weight is like pushing a 200 pound man, how is this any way related to cheering?

The next couple days go by but trust me they were long as fuck.

Pushing weight dummies and jumping over hurdles and all the stupid shut football players do finally done, we're finally done doing those workouts.

I've never felt such a genuine happiness until today which is the day where we're guiding the boys and Coach Daisy specifically asked me to help lead the groups and trust me I gladly says yes.

As everyone starts to file into our gym they grab a colored sticker, me, Kimani, and the girls the green. There's also Pink, Purple, Blue, and Orange.

When the guys come in they choose a random colored sticky and then they go to that station.

All the girls are specifically dressed in their team sports bra and shorts mine always rise up because of my thighs but i've learned to adapt to it.

When the guys who got green start filing over I immediately want to die.

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