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Tw: Slight mentions of S/A


I wake up with Alex's body not on the floor anymore.

Instead he's in the chair facing me just watching me sleep.


"Hey" He smiles and I don't speak to him, I just get up realizing that Kimani isn't here.

"I need to get you out of here, now" I tell him and he laughs again, bitchass white boy, what's so goddamn funny.

"Ivy I don't have a car, and my practice starts in a couple minutes, Can I just get ready here and i'll leave you alone" He asks and I contemplate but ultimately yes.

Once he's out Leilani is opening her door.

I think i'll speak to her.

"We're not friends but i'm telling you as a woman speaking to another woman, take a paternity test, don't ruin Alex and babies life especially if he isn't the dad" I speak genuinely and she just gives me a tight lipped smile.

I'm not sure why she's smiling, we're not friends, nothing about what I said was friendly.

She goes back into her room after and I go back in mine waiting for Alex to come back so I can go and get ready.

I let him go first then I go so it doesn't look like we're going to practice together.


We've been working on new cheers since the playoffs are coming up soon and we have to be the best supporters he can.

However, I'm scared the guys will loose.

Jayden is a great player and he's scared out his ass about the baby so he's been acting off.

Alex just has been off his game ever since I told him about how Iris got into her coma, maybe i'm just reaching though.

"Ivy I need you to help Leilani with the last cheer" Our captain asks and I want to fight it but I shake it off.

"What do you need help with?" I ask her and she shows me.

While I help her she starts to speak.

"Im doing my paternity test later today, Alex and Jayden are both coming because they need blood samples from them" She tells me and I nod not saying much.

"I think I might keep it" Great for her, I don't really care what she does as long as it isn't me who's pregnant have at it.

After practice I watch from afar as Alex and Jayden both drug together probably to the clinic.

I just can't help but think about the fact that either of them could be possible father. I just hope it isn't Alex.

At first I thought I didn't believe he was the father because I could of been in denial but now somethings not clicking.

Jayden was way more stressed than Alex, Maybe because he's black and has the same kind of parents as mine.

Or maybe because or because he really thinks he's the father more than Alex.

But Alex, he just gave in so quickly, He would've kept arguing trying to make it make sense in his brain.


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