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Song: Shirt- SZA


"Why are you smiling" I squint at him and he tilts his head.

"Kiss me," he asks and my eyes fall out of my head, and my jaw drops before a laugh flies out my mouth. He still looks serious while I'm trying to get myself together from laughing and once I do he's still staring at me.

"Oh, you're serious?" I lose my laughter and look at him with all seriousness.

"Absolutely Not, are you out of your mind" I try not to laugh but I can't help it, kiss him. Really? Is he out of his mind?

"Think about it, we'll both get something out of this, you obviously want to prove to Jayden you don't want him so he could stop the pathetic attempts to make you jealous, and I want to prove to every girl here that me and Layla aren't in a serious relationship, that she isn't my girlfriend, and that I'm a free single man" This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

"I can prove to Jayden that I don't want him with me simply telling him that and you can make out with any other girl here why do I have to be the poor victim" I squint and Alex looks at me directly in my eyes, the power that one look has.

"For one, with most of the girls here I'm not attracted to them, or they are connected to Layla in a way where Layla can make or break them. Second, if it's any one of Layla's friends they'll probably tell her the motive or that it was nothing, along with how Layla would probably shut them up, also like you said everyone is kissing her ass and they don't want to piss her off, but you don't kiss ass and you're a menace so you'd probably enjoy seeing her pissed anyway." He concludes he's trying so hard to convince me, I'm still not convinced though.

"First of all I am not a menace, the only menace is the one begging to kiss me, second I don't get how a kiss is going to prove to everyone that you aren't Layla's property, wouldn't hooking up be more realistic, not saying I'm going to hook up with you but just go fuck someone that should be enough" I will not kiss Alexander Jones, are you out of your mind?

"The thing is I don't kiss, I'm not a kisser, so seeing me kissing anyone, especially that anyone being you would be surprising" He keeps going, he's so headstrong on this, my god.

"Alex you're lying because you kissed that redhead that one day, if you want to kiss me just say that, you're working hard just for a kiss from me" I joke around just to tick him off and he rolls his eyes.

"Trust me I'd rather get my tongue stuck to a frozen pole and me and that girl had a long fling so it was nothing kissing her, kissing just isn't my preference" If he's insulting me then why is he still begging to kiss me? He's so confusing.

"You literally just said you don't want to kiss me, and kissing me won't make people think you aren't Layla's property" I rebuttal trying to hide a smile, I truly enjoy messing around with his head.

"Ivy, do you genuinely not want me to kiss you," He asks licking his lips and staring into my eyes and the joking around has faded, he's very serious now.

"I mean I don't mind being kissed but from your lips, I'd rather not" I still continue to joke around but he's completely serious his eyes staring deeply into mine making my face go completely straight.

"You can kiss me Alex but I swear if anyone thinks there's something between us I'm shutting that shit straight down," I tell him with all seriousness and he nods.

"So how do we do this?" he asks and I tilt my head.

"Are you kidding me? You beg me to kiss you then you don't even know how to kiss" I deadpan and he squints at me like I'm dumb.

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