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Tw: Death, Drug Abuse


I cant breathe, I can't think, I can't speak, this is the worst thing that could have ever happened.

Watching people crowd all the ambulances, it's terrible.

How in the world did this ever happen.

30 minutes earlier

"Kimani called us over because Ivy was pissed off she was angry at first then she started panicking and getting clammy then she started sobbing" She begins.

"She told us that Jayden came up to her and first said She's a dirty slut due to her hopping from Him to you to Danny even though Danny is gay, he likes dick." She starts and I mean what the hell Jayden why just why?

Dirty Slut?? was that necessary?

"Then he proceeded to say how he knows about Her and You because you told him all about how you two would have sex, literally going into explicit intimate details, he knew about her birthmark that not even i've seen" What the fuck, I've never told him that, ever in my life.

"Then he brought up Iris who we all know is a sensitive topic of Ivy but nobody knows about that except for us and you" She looks at me before starting to speak again.

"He said things about Iris that shouldn't be repeated ever, he also insinuated that you said some of those things about Iris as well, practically insulting her dead sister, That's what really drew Ivy up a wall and made her slap him" She stops before continuing.

Red. Red. Red. Red. All I can see is Red. I'm going to fucking kill him.

What gives him the right to speak about Iris or Ivy like that.

"Im not done there's more, he has a picture of her that supposed he got from you, he also knows some deep shit about Ivy that can really draw apart everything she's worked for and Ivy believes you told him, I didn't think she wanted to believe it at first but I mean Leilani was pushing the idea of it could of been you because it was obvious, Jayden kept bringing up how you said this and you were the only person that knew that" She keeps going but I stopped listening.

"But Ivy sees the best in people especially the people she loves so she would of spoken to you about that and wanted to hear the truth from you but there's one thing Jayden said that made her flip" She looks at me.

"Tell me what he told her, word for word" I ask and she looks at me like she's not sure.

"I don't think you want to kn-" But I cut her off.

"Ciara tell me what he said" I yell at her, not wanting to scare her just trying to control my anger.

"He said that You and Iri-" But She's cut off by the loudest scream i've ever heard known to man.

We both rush inside and It's coming from the same bathroom that couple went into.

Don't tell me he killed her or vomited or something crazy.

I only roll my eyes not bothering to go into the crowd and see what's going on.

"She has no pulse" I hear the guy scream and everyone starts dialing 911.

"Who has no pulse" Ciara's eyes widen rushing to the front.

What the hell, if someone dies in here we're all fucked, who can't handle their fucking liquor.


"IVY" I hear Kimani yell and I've never felt so much blood drain from my body.

I push past every human body nearby completely ignoring their existence.

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