Chapter 2

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Warning - Do NOT Try This!

Beavis and Butt-Head were still cleaning the dirty  restrooms. They hate cleaning it, they even hated cleaning their own  house. After they're done cleaning the last two toilets, they sit in the  now spotless floor feeling very exhausted from all the work. Then,  Beavis first spoke.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head. Heh. This cleaning sucks. Heh heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah. Uh uh. This sucks more. Uh Uh.

Beavis: Why we doing this again? Heh heh.

Butt-Head: Because buttwipe, we get to go home early. Uh uh.

Beavis: Oh yeah. Heh heh.

Just as these two idiots keep laughing, the speaker's turned on and Principal McVicker said.

Principal McVicker:  L-Listen up students and facilities. Uhhhhh! The S-Superintendent of  Highland High is coming over for an i-inspection. Uhhh. S-so let's clean  up this p-pigsty and be on your best b-behavior. Uhhhhhhh!

The speak switch off and both Beavis and Butt-Head stopped laughing and look to each other and Butt-Head said.

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh... he said "Super-butt-tendent". Uh huh huh huh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Heheheheheheh "Super-butt-tendent". Heheheheheheheh.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head. Heh heh. I've got something in my locker. Heh Heh. Wanna check it out. Heh.

Butt-Head: "Uh...OK?" Uh Uh. Better be something cool. Uh.

Beavis: It is cool. Heh he heh. Let's go. Heh.

Just like that, the boys left the restrooms and headed to Beavis's locker to see what's so cool about it?

Meanwhile,  The Superintendent has arrived and all the facilities were getting  ready and being prepared for his arrival. Then, he opened the front  entrance and was greeted by Principal McVicker.

Principal McVicker: Superintendent Parker. Welcome.

Superintendent Parker: Hello McVicker.

He  said with some tone that he doesn't wanna be there again. This isn't  the first time he's been to this school. He's gone over there many, many  times due to all the damages, lawsuits, and caused the school's  reputation and funding to go down the toilet thanks to Beavis and  Butt-Head. He doesn't wanna be here again. But, he has to for the  inspection and properly McVicker's promotion if things turn out all  right.|

Principal McVicker: So what brings you here at Highland High?

He said trying to being polite and having an casual conversation.

Superintendent Parker: I'm here for the inspection. I'll say... this place seems to be in order the last time I've been there.

Principal McVicker: Of course sure. We've been teaching the students responsibilities, discipline, and being respectful to others. Watch.

McVicker said and he showed him the classroom were the teacher is teaching her students Calculus.

Calculus Teacher: Alright class can anyone tell me how to

Find the integral of

x from 0 to 9?

Stuart raised his hand.

Calculus Teacher: Yes Stuart.

Stuart: The answer is 18.

Calculus Teacher: That's correct. Thank you Stuart.

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