Chapter 90

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Waiter: Okay. Ready?

The waiter took a picture of Stewart, who is seen having a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant with his new girlfriend, Carly. They've met at a coffee cafe. She works at a wedding dress store. They hit it off right away and have been together for over a month and now celebrating their one month anniversary. But Cara seems disinterest when she didn't smiled in the photo. The waiter gives back Stewart's phone and refills the bottle of wine in Carly's glass. He turns to Stewart if he want's his refill.

Stewart: None for me, thanks.

Carly: Stewart, I think you can have a second glass on our anniversary.

Stewart: I'm driving, sweetie-pooh.

Carly: [Scoffs] I don't think one more glass of wine will kill you.

Stewart: No, but driving under influence of alcohol could kill me, or you, or somebody's baby? Worse yet, I'd spent the next 20-30 years in jail? And we both know what happens to fresh faces in prison. Like that show "OZ".

Carly: Yeah, let's talk more about your violated rectum. Oh, I find it so romantic.

She said sarcastically. The waiter just stands there, listening to their "awkward" conversation.

Stewart: Hey, I'm just saying-[clears throat].

Waiter: So...n-no wine then?

Stewart: No, thank you.

He put the bottle of wine down on the table and left. Then, Stewart got up from his seat, and he click his glass with a fork to have everyone's attention to them. Much to Carly's discomfort.

Stewart: My I have your attention please.

Everyone looks at him.

Stewart: Good. Now, I would like to give a toast to celebrate our 1 month anniversary with this women right here.

He looks at Carly, who covered her face with her hands outta embarrassment.

Stewart: And, to sing a song to her that I've written.  ♩Carly's smile♩

He begins to sing in an R&B tone, but not in a good one.

Carly: [Groans] Oh, my. No, honey, don't sing. Not again.

Stewart: ♩Oh, won't you smile, A while for me♩

Carly: Um, Stewart. Stewart...people are looking.

Stewart: ♩Carly?♩ ♩When you feel cold♩

Carly: Stewart, please.

Stewart: ♩I'll warm you♩

Carly: [Giggles] Honey. Honey, maybe this isn't the place to be singing...

Stewart: ♩And when you feel you can't go on♩♩I'll come and hold you?♩

Carly: [Groans] Yay. All done.

Stewart: ♩It's you, hey, and me?

Carly: [Whispers] Every time we come in.

Stewart: ♩Forever♩

Carly: Good.

Stewart: ♩Carly♩Hm.

Carly: Yay. Are you done yet?

Stewart sits down in his seat and they've ordered some desert. Then, a man shows up, wearing an all white suit that looks expensive, and behind him we're his bodyguards. Carly then notices him staring at her and begin to giggle.

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