Chapter 5

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After they left the school, Beavis and Butt-Head went home and start packing their belongings. They didn't have much stuff, they just packed whatever. Soon after, they decided to go the Maxi-Mart to eat nachos and drink sodas like they always do. The Maxi-Mart owner did NOT wanna handle these two idiots again. They have caused damages to his store more times than ever. All they do is eat, drink, steal, and scaring off his customers. Meanwhile, The two idiots just stand their, eating nachos and laughing.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head. What's Gotham gonna be like once were there? Heh.

Butt-Head: Uh...Properly cooler than here. Huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah heh heh. I'm really excited! Were properly gonna SCORE for real? Heh.

Butt-Head: Settle down Beavis! Huh.

Beavis settles down a bit and they continued to eat nachos, talked and laughed about Gotham, and they went back home.

The next day, the boys were all packed up and heading to the school for the bus to Gotham to come picked them up. There, they see their neighbor Tom Anderson mowing his lawn. He stops what he's doing and saw the boys looking and laughing at him.

Tom Anderson: Good morning fellas, say now what you doing with all those Luggage's? You two going on vacation?

Butt-Head: Yeah...were going to Gotham. Uh huh huh.

Tom Anderson: Hmmm...Gotham huh? Never heard of it. Where is it at? New York, Chicago?

Butt-Head: Uhhh...I don't know? Huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah. Heh...I don't know either? Heh heh.

Tom Anderson: Well...alright then, enjoy your trip you two.

As tom went on to finished his mowing the lawn, Beavis said to Butt-Head.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head! Heh. I gotta take a dump. Heh

Butt-Head: Then hurry up, dumbass! before were late! Huh.

Beavis was about to run to the bathroom, but instead...he took a dump on Mr.Anderson's lawn. This isn't the first time he's done that.

Beavis: All done. Heh. Lets go.

Butt-Head: Bout time.

Then, they both left. As Anderson just finished his lawn, he steps on what looks like dog crap. But what he didn't know that it's not dog crap.

Tom Anderson: "What in the hell?!?"

As these two were almost their, they see a bunch of people there in front of the school, waiting for them to show up. There are students, teachers, Principal McVicker, Burger World Manager, Maxi-Mart Manager, Todd, Stewart's parents, and even the janitor all waiting for them. Some of them holding a sign that says "FAREWELL BEAVIS & BUTT-HEAD". Then, the bus shows up right on time.

Principal McVicker: Well boys, looks like this is goodbye. You know...even that I hate you both So much and I wanna kill you with my bare hands, Ehhh. But it's sad to see you two head off into the real world.

After he's done with his "so-called" emotional talk, then comes Mr. Van Driessen and Stewart came up to them with tears in their faces.

Mr. Van Driessen: Well umm...this isn't easy to say this...but I'm really gonna miss you both. These years teaching you two has been a challenge...but I know you two can do it. I believe in you.

He hugged them tightly. Then stewart said with also tears in his eyes.

Stewart: I'm gonna miss you both.

He hugged them as well. After the hugs and farewell speeches from everyone, Beavis and Butt-Head get on the bus and sits on the very back of the bus. Butt-head said to Beavis.

Butt-Head: Beavis...this is the beginning of a new life. Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh. A new life. Heh heh heh.

As the bus drove off and not seen again, everyone besides Mr. Van Driessien and Stewart, cheered with celebration. They FINALLY got rid of Beavis and Butt-Head. Coach Buzzcut said with a smile in his face. Something he hasn't done in a long time.


Everyone: YEAH!!

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