Chapter 54

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After the impact, it was chaos. The passengers didn't know how to react? Some went on with their business, as nothing happened, some even went into "panic mode" and went straight towards the lifeboats. Bruce and Selina we're searching for Alfred, when Selina spotted Barbara outside the club. Selina went to Barbara, Bruce follows her too.

Selina: Barb! Did you heard that?

Barbara: Yeah! I don't know what the hell's going on?! Everyone is freaking out!

Bruce: Have you seen Alfred?

Barbara: No?

Bruce: I'm gonna go find him, Selina!, stay with Barb.

Selina grabbed his arm.

Selina: No! I'll go with you!

Bruce: I'll be quick! Don't worry. We'll meet you here.

Bruce kissed Selina on the forehead, and went to find Alfred. Selina was getting worried about the whole situation. 10 minutes after the impact, all the lights went out all over the ship. People started panicking more. Selina and Barbara doesn't know what is going on here?

Selina: What the hell?

Barbara: Now there's something going on?!

Very soon after, the announcement was heard over the loud speaker.

Announcer: On behalf of the captain, to inform you that due to an electrical fault, we're currently in a blackout, which is currently under control. Our technicians are working to resolve the situation, nothing to worry. Thank you for your attention.

After it was over, Selina and Barbara wasn't buying this whole "electrical fault" story.

Barbara: Electrical fault my ass!

Selina: Got that right!

At the suite room, Jim was putting his clothes on, and so was Ed and Anna when the lights are off, and the announcement was heard. None of them buy it either.

Jim: This is bull!

Ed (Riddler): Tell me about it, an electrical fault! that doesn't explain this huge crash!

Jim: I'm gonna go find Harvey!

Ana (Penguin): I'm gonna go too, being here in this dark room is not uncomfortable.

Ed (Riddler): Yeah, I need to figure it out what is going on?

They all finished getting dressed and left their cabin. Jim, Ana, and Ed are using their phone flashlight to see in the dark.

Meanwhile, Harvey is looking for Scottie anywhere in the ship, but it's difficult to find her where everything is a total blackout, and much chaotic and confusion. He shouted at the top of his lungs.


Meanwhile at the control room, the ships engineer explains to the captain and the ship's officer that a left side of the ship had struck a huge rock. He tells the captain that the hull had an irreparable tear of 70 metres, through which water entered and submerged the generators and engines, causing a full blackout. He unrolls a big blue print of the ship across the table. It is a side elevation, showing all the watertight bulkheads. His hands are shaking. The captain and the ship's commanding officer hover behind the engineer.

Captain: When can we get underway, do you think?

The ship's officer glares at him and turns his attention to the blue print. The engineer points to it for emphasis as he talks.

Engineer: I'm not sure?

Commanding Officer: There has to be something you can do? What about the compartments? It can stand some water?

Engineer: The impact sheared two long strips of steel from the ship's hull. It tore a 50-metre gash in the ships left port side below the water line. Which means that the ship will listed and properly sink?

Captain: But the ship can't sink! It's impossible!

Engineer: I'm not sure what's impossible anymore? It's only a matter of time.

The captain looks like he has been gut punch.

Captain: How much time?

Engineer: An hour, two or most.

The look on their faces came from shocked, scared, and disturbed.

Commanding Officer: And how many aboard?

The commanding officer tells the crew member.

Crew Member: Four thousand, sir.

The room was silent. The commanding officer was thinking about his conversation with the captain 2 days ago.


2 days ago in the voyage, the commanding officer and the captain we're eating lunch at one of the many restaurants in the ship.

Captain: So you didn't tell the engineers to lit the last four boilers then?

Commanding Officer: No, but we're making excellent time.

The captain sighs impatiently.

Commanding Officer: Something wrong, Captain?

Captain: You know, I've been thinking quite a lot lately. The media knows the size of the "Heart of the Sea" , let them marvel at her speed too. We must give them something that would mesmerized them more. It could properly break a world record?

Commanding Officer: The "Heart of the Sea" is already making headlines. It's been all over social media, I'm sure we don't need more speed to make more headlines. Plus, I prefer not to push the engines until they've been properly run in.

Captain: I understand your concern, but I've done this many times for 30 years without any accidents, trust me. Now, if you excuse me, I'll be in the control room.

The captain left, leaving the commanding officer alone, and thinking.


The commanding officer looked at the captain and said with a stern, tone voice.

Commanding Officer: There's your next headlines, captain.

But what they didn't know is that someone was listing into their conversation, outside of the control room with the door almost not-so entirely closed the entire time.

Beavis & Butt-Head Do GothamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora